Beiträge von neoyoli

    Please check all the other HDDs or SSDs for an EFI partition.
    make sure that one of the drives with the EFI partition contains the missing EFI folder and the default.plist.
    is your OSX HDD connected to the first SATA Port?

    I checked all my drives, and none of them contains Defaults.plist:

    My boot drive is connected to port0, I believe (the top one on the motherboard, and BSD name is disk0).

    Try to use "EFI Mounter" to mount the EFI
    bevor using Multibeast

    I tried it, same thing...

    Hi there,

    I would need some help about these:

    - iMessage was working out of the box, but I edited the SSDT and changed the system definition to iMac 13,1, then edited the NVRAM values according to Griven's guide, but iMessage Debug, for BoardSerialNumber shows (null). All the other values seems fine. How shall I go on from here?

    UPDATE: I fixed the BoardSerialNumber, by putting 5 random numbers after the System Serial number, and iMessage is working again :)

    1. sudo nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:BaseBoardSerial=XXXXXXXXXXXX(System Serial)XXXXX(five random numbers)

    - I got a hint, that for fixing iMessage I need to edit the Defaults.plist in the Efi folder, but there's no such file there ?(

    - When I try to fix the audio kext with Multibeast, this is what I get:

    Log says:

    1. 12/19/15 11:27:29 - Mounting EFI failed. Exiting.
    2. 12/19/15 11:28:09 - Mounting EFI

    Cheers guys!

    Sorry, I didn't understand your question... Could you rephrase it?
    I guess I was stupid making this topic, but I thought once I created a Clover EFI for the USB installer, Clover gets installed with OS X automatically...
    So, is it going to work if I just post-install Clover like this?

    When I first Installed Mavericks with Chimera, I had an NVIDIA card (don't remember which, but the last one was GTX 760), then I flashed Ozmosis and I was still using it (under the same Mavericks), and some moths ago I've sold it and switched to IGXF, this is why I deleted form my signature. Since then had I those rare random freezings.

    Yes, it is enabled. Although "Internal Display First" was on auto, now I've set it to IGFX (although I don't think that one matters, or does it?)
    Which graphic kexts do you mean exactly? Should I just inject them with kext utility? I thought graphics kexts are already part of Ozmosis...

    Although, the truth is, since I removed my nVidia GTX card, I got some random freezing, but I didn't bother since I wanted to upgrade to El Capitan. That is why I reflashed Ozmosis now.

    I have followed the guide step by step, have all the latest Clover and FakeSMC, however when I start the installation with Clover, the Screen goes black and nothing happens, I have to press reset. Any thoughts?
    Okay, I managed to run the installer, using FakeSMC from the latest HWSensors, and installing Clover in USB EFI system partition (ESP) (previously I just used standard install). Put FakeSMC 6.18.1394 in 10.11 folder and configured SIP 0x67 in config.plist (actually it was like this by default).
    However, I launch the USB installer from BIOS, and when the progress bar is at around 3/4, the install screen goes like this:

    I also reflashed Ozmosis, and tried Clover OS X El Capitan USB tool as well, same happens.
    What do you think the problem could be? ?(

    Hi guys!

    I decided to re-flash Ozmosis, because the BIOS setup got frozen a couple of times, and I want to make sure everything works fine before I install El Cap. However, I don't have a dedicated GFX card anymore, only HD4000. My question is, with a freshly flashed Ozmosis, will I get picture from the screen, to setup the BIOS, without a GFX card? I guess the answer should be yes, I just want to make it sure.

    Thanks in advance!

    Ich denke, die Debatte über Apple vs Microsoft ist nicht mehr gültig. Es gehört zu der vorhergehende Ära. Apple hat zu einer der grössten (und die reichsten) IT-Firma gewachsen, sein Bild von "Think Different" (die übrigens auch eine Marketing-Strategie war, auf der Grundlage ihrer Marktposition zu der Zeit) könnte heute in “Do Not Think at All" übersetzt werden. Apple hat das Microsoft der Ära geworden. Nur der Ära ist anders, in denen wir eine andere Illusion verloren haben. Das gut ist, weil wir klüger sind als vorher, doch jetzt müssen sie noch Schlauer sein, um uns ihre Scheisse glauben machen :whistling: Es ist eine Art der Evolution, ich vermute. Stell dir vor was mit der heutigen Technik möglich sein könnte, doch wir sind hier als in Zion, hacken das System 8)


    By the way, has anyone noticed performance difference with pure Ozmosis Yosemite vs Ozmosis El Capitan with Clover? I mean if using Clover as bootloader turns out to be more of a hack, and would perform worse? (previously I had pure Chimera Mavericks and it was much less stable, and had less native-feel to it then pure Ozmosis Mavericks (not just because of the updates, but in general as well).

    Ich denke, Apple immer die Tendenz hatte, den Benutzer zu beschränken, Hand in Hand mit ihrer Politik die Dinge einfach halten, und zwischen denen die Grenze war vage. Doch im kommenden Zeitalter des Cloud Computing, sind wir unsere Freiheit Schritt für Schritt zu verlieren, und es kann sein, dass auch hier, Apple vor der Konkurrenz ist. Wir brauchen eine Open-Source-Revolution auch auf Server-Seite, die nicht leicht kommen wird. Letztendlich, es ein antagonistischen Problem der Geld Welt vs freien Welt ist. Sie einfach nicht kompatibel sind.

    Entschuldigung für mein gebrochenes Deutsch, es war vor langer Zeit, wenn ich gelernt habe :rolleyes: Und ja, Google Translate ist nicht das beste.