Last night I successfully updated my system to 10.14.6.
I'll probably try Catalina during the day.
Thank you to all your valiant team!
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenLast night I successfully updated my system to 10.14.6.
I'll probably try Catalina during the day.
Thank you to all your valiant team!
Thank you very much, I will try it very quickly.
I'll keep you informed.
Could you please tell me where to find a popular thread about opencore?
Thank you.
I use the rom available for Mojave since September 27, 2018 and posted by Kuckkuck.
As far as Opencore is concerned, I don't know this bootloader at all.
Hallo Griven,
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich Sie gebeten, mir zu helfen, dass meine Konfiguration funktioniert, und ich danke Ihnen.
Heute würde ich ein ROM benötigen, mit dem ich Fehler in meinem System beheben kann, das ich nicht über Mojave 10.14.3 und ähnliches für Catalina hinaus aktualisieren kann, da ich in beiden Situationen am Ende einen schwarzen Bildschirm bekomme des Ladens des Apfels.
1. Hersteller: Gigabyte
2. Modell: GA-Z77-D3H Rev. 1.0
3. Chipsatz: Z77
4. BIOS-Version: F23b
5. BIOS-Link:…0/support#support-dl-bios
6. Betriebssystemversion: Catalina
Bitte entschuldigen Sie mein sehr schlechtes Deutsch, da ich Google Übersetzer verwende.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
I would need your assistance.
I tried several times since Mojave 10.14.3 first to update to 10.14.4 and higher but without success since each time when loading I end up with a black screen.
Believing that the problem was with my Nvidia video card, I thought I would replace it with an AMD Sapphire RX580 Nitro +.
I tried all day yesterday to update Mojave 10.14.3 to Catalina 10.15.3 also without success with the same result as before.
Can you help me solve my problems, taking into account that I am using your Mojave rom for my Z77-D3H rev.1.0 motherboard?
Would it be possible to create a rom to install Catalina?
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely to the whole team.
Good morning all,
I would need your assistance.
I tried several times since Mojave 10.14.3 first to update to 10.14.4 and higher but without success since each time when loading I end up with a black screen.
Believing that the problem was with my Nvidia video card, I thought I would replace it with an AMD Sapphire RX580 Nitro +.
I tried all day yesterday to update Mojave 10.14.3 to Catalina 10.15.3 also without success with the same result as before.
Can you help me solve my problems, taking into account that I am using your Mojave rom for my Z77-D3H rev.1.0 motherboard?
Would it be possible to create a rom to install Catalina?
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely to the whole team.
Hello bluebyte,
Thank you very much for your quick response.
However I failed to indicate that this is an ozmosis installation of mojave
Regarding the problem of USB ports, the big problem is mainly a printer that I must turn off if I want the boot to succeed.
What do you think ?
Thanks again !
Note: if you speak a little French it would be great!
Hello friends,
Please begin to excuse my bad English.
I recently installed the mojave rom and the corresponding osx.
However, I noticed that when starting the bios, I have to turn off the usb printer or unplug the usb port disks to allow booting.
How to solve this problem ?
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
I noticed that the two usb3 ports of the motherboard are'nt still visible (2 of 4).
What is the solution ?
After applying the new rom when mac os launches there is a crash at loading and the pc goes off abruptly.
Je suis vraiment désolé de vous relancer mais sauf pour le son, les problèmes évoqués au-dessus ne sont toujours pas résolus.
Accepteriez-vous de m'aider ?
Merci beaucoup de votre concours...
You are sure that the rom Oz has been reviewed at the Core files because nothing seems to have been changed ?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your feedback.
I had previously used OZ on el capitan which worked pretty well, but only two usb3 ports were working.
This is the first time I have encountered the problem of sleep and extinction.
I will try to inject the kext usb sourceforge and I will make you a return.
Hello Griven,
Just to tell you that I have applied your advice and report that now only the sound works.
Sorry but the rest is not ok.
What is going on ?
Since the installation that went without worry, I observed:
- no sound,
- no sleep,
- no extinction.
- 2 USB3 ports are recognized on 4.
Could you help me please?
Thank you very much in advance.