Beiträge von tikizondo94

    I know its been forever since ive replied to this topic. I actually figured out what the problem was. Austere.J over at TM figured out the issue and created a patch. Which now its deprecated into whatevergreen.kext You just have to add the correct properties into Clover/Devices/Properties for your iGPU.The problem is a kernel panic due to divide-by-zero when injecting the correct properties for your iGPU. Mine being the UHD620. I was using 0x59160000 which is the correct platform-ID.

    But until you add the correct properties for "now" dpcd-max-link-rate and enable-dpcd-max-link-rate-fix within your iGPU properties it wont work. Long story short. It works flawless now. Ive attached a copy of my latest Clover with all the properties added.



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    DSM2 BIOS is setup pretty straight forward. I have no issues with installing or booting OSX. It installs like a dream really. Never have any issues. Just QE/CI refuses to work on this laptop. Ive never had an issue like this before on a hack.


    DSM2 Thanks for chiming in. Unfortunately still the same scenario with your EFI. Still locks at the same Verbose point of IOScreenLockState. Panic reports show a crash with Divide by 0. Its an issue ive been fighting for months. Id basically given up and moved to another laptop. But with seeing this thread moving along i was hoping i might give it another shot. Thanks again for your help :)

    How where you able to get QE/CI working with your Dell 7370 - UHD620? Ive got almost the same laptop and have NEVER been able to get QE/CI working. I always run into a kernel panic due to divide by 0.

    Currently having the same issue as you with iGPU running at 1.25Ghz. "Similar setup"

    Have you been able to fix it?

    I've tried multiple SMBIOS. Mainly iMac 14.2 and 15.1

    PlatformIDs have tried 0x04120004 and 0x0412000B.

    CPU PM Set via PluginType = True via config.plist

    Using inject intel = true and shikigva = 60 boot arg

    Tried using inject ATI = true with FB Orinoco VideoPorts set to = 5

    also have a dAGPM.kext created in Clover / Kexts / Other

    None seem to make a difference. iGPU runs at 1.25GHz.

    "BIOS Settings"

    I have iGPU multimonitor set to Enabled in BIOS, shared memory at 256MB

    VD-T disabled

    All CPU settings set to AUTO. - No overclocking.

    What did you do to fix the 59178086 Device ID? I've been fighting this issue with a dell 7370 with i7 8550u and uhd620 for over a month lol. I can not accept the life of a 59168086 devices ID. It locks at IOScreenLockState or Kernel panics. I can boot without QE / CI 7mb all day. But that does not work to well. Could you please let me know what you all did to fix this?



      (5,68 MB, 98 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Ive got the same issue your facing with my UHD 620. No matter what, I cannot get QE/CI to run on my machine. Ive tried countless combinations and have had help from across different forums. Still have never figured it out. Machine installs OSX from 10.12 to 10.14 Flawlessly and runs "without" QE/CI fine. But anytime i inject intel with 0x59160000 or Set a device ID using the new WhateverGreen And lilu process, It locks at the same point. IOScreenLockState. So I feel your pain! lol.