Beiträge von jackt

    Hey everyone, I've got an Acer Swift 3:
    8GB RAM
    Intel Core i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
    and I installed the Broadcom BCM94352Z (or Dell DW1560) - which works fine in Windows 10.

    When I boot into Mac Os Sierra however, I cannot get the wifi to work at all.
    When I go to add a network in the network settings I get an error (see the image I attached below, the error is the same just not "iCloud preferences" - instead being "network preferences")

    I have tried using various .kexts but with no luck such as:
    - RehabMan FakeSMC
    - RehabMan BrcmPatchRAM
    - RehabMan BrcmPatchRAM2

    I followed this tutorial (Masked Link to Tomato-Guy deleted!!! - plz read and follow our rules - thx, al6042) for the Acer Swift 3 and nothing works to get the internet working :(
    Any help much appreciated!

    P.s: I shall try the "nullethernet.kext" as I don't recall installing a .kext with this name! :)