Beiträge von xShift

    Hi, all! First, sorry for my language.

    I run Mac OS installer under Acer Nitro 5 AN 515-42( Ryzen 5 APU 2500U + Radeon RX 560X ) but my Hard Drive not detected because AHCI controller vendor is AMD( device id 0x79021022 ). Have any ideas how to make AMD AHCI compatible with Mac OS? Maby I need some Clover patch for this hardware?

    Yeah. With 2.0.1 kexts works right tap and touchpad can awake normally. After deleting codec commander steel no sound when system awake.

    Find a power bug. When charge level around 50-55% when plugged AC adapter in few seconds battery status indicate 99% charge but hardware led steel lighting.

    >> In your last EFI folder attached, where does the DSDT come from and do you have a list of the used patches?

    Seems it all patches I was apply. + Your PNLF.

    ioReg attached.

    All facts look like true about sound but I'd like Voodoo.

    p.s. there are only two problems. sound awake and disabling nvidia ... can you please apply this patches to my latest DSDT attached above without x prefixes renaming methods please?

    p.s.s: Sound fixed updating VoodooHDA to 2.9.1 version. There are one problem to install High Sierra :: need to disable Nvidia :)))))))))))))

    Yo.Yo.Yo. Danke, Danke, Danke!

    Good night.

    10.12.6 have native kaby lake support to. Not needed to fake it as skylake hd520 that have many bugs in HS ...

    So. I test in few variants combining with my EFI.

    1). Your EFI : no way logo and pixels trash on screen - graphics 920 MX goes KP with optimus or other problem.

    2). If i remove PNLF patch - black screen and HDD noise talks about something loading at 10 minets test. Maby it works.

    p.s.: I have to fix battery with removing rename BIF to XBIF in my config plist( peace of shit - it was works standart patch. I was broke my had in 8 bytes converting manuals).

    Why you use AppleALC? It to difficult to patch. I'd like VoodooHDA because it simple to use. Better sound with ALC?

    My system have only Realtek devices. Broadcom not helpful and WIFI need to be replaced. I cant replace now because need to offer it from outland and wait long time.

    Thanks for the help.

    Now I need only patch for touchpad can awake and sound can awake(wont work after sleep). Other hardware works.

    I was try to disable NVIDIA but have to lose. HS window server can't start with dual GPU and I install Sierra 10.12.6

    p.s.: using kexts from your EFI and PNLF patch merged in my EFI I was fix brightness keys.
    So. Now we have two problems: not working awake of touchpad(I think we need HID kext) and not working awake of sound card, + not alive Nvidia thats wants to be disabled. Can you please check my patched DSDT to fix it if you can and you have a time? All other hardware works fine. Danke

    p.s.s: 80% working EFI attached



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    ASUS K541U ::
    * i3 kaby lake with HD620;
    * touchpad ELAN 1200 detected in windows as HID mouse;
    * SATA 100 series;
    * keyboard with integrated power on/off ACPI key;
    * GeForce 920MX.

    So, I was install 10.12.6 and collect most of needed kexts such as lan, touchpad and sata.

    Laptop has working sleep with closed lid and by timer but after sleep touchpad not works. Touchpad right tap using VoodooI2C kext won't work(right mouse button). Battery partial detected but not shown charge percentage but show AC adapter plug in status.

    Help me please configure DSDT to get 100% working touchpad with sleep and battery status.


    p.s.: sorry for my language because I have no German keyboard.

    Thank you! I shell do it!

    p.s.: sorry for my language ... have no German layout keyboard ):

    THANK YOU! It works great! :)