And i have also a new update for tinu comimng, i am working on it on the little free time i have in this period, this update is about bugfix and optimization, and a few ui changes
Beiträge von ITzTravelInTime
If you have any critics or complains, please tell me, i want to know if you find enything wrong or that can be improoved
ITzTravelInTime Thank you very very much for TINU! A wonderful tool! Much better than some “popular” Tomato-tool!
My objedctive is to defeat the tomato-tool, in fact the name means TINU is not Uni...
I think it's a very easy to use app. It makes life very easy as other tools getting complicated over the time. Im a very big fan of this simple "use this, use that and then do it"-style. I think the UI is pretty perfect because it doesn't have too much annoying and distracting stuff on it. It's more like a pretty basic UI but that's great in any kind. The UI tells you what you need to do and nothing more.
The only thing I really don't understand is an error that occure when I try to flash the installer for the first time on an formated drive. I do the same steps a second time and the error is gone away. When I got this error again I'am going to send you screenshots of it. But that's not really a problem because second time of use it works fine.
I would love to see a direct integration of Clover Bootloader to the tool. So I don't need to download and install it.
Maybe tinu could download the most common version, opens up the installer and done. Like a little question box "Do you want to install Clover on that drive".
Think you know what I mean.
But thank you in any way using tinu for my Hackintosh and as well for my real Macintosh
Hi, for the error try to reacreate it and send me the log after the error occurred
Hi i am the developer of TINU, and i am seeing quite a few people using the app here, in fact i think that this is one of the places in which it's used the most. So this is the right place to get feedback from you.
So, what do you think baout TINU so far?
To guide you to answer this question, try to answer to those ones to make an idea:
How has your experience with TINU been?How do you feel when using TINU?
Which are the things you love the most about it?
How do you feel TINU is different from others?
Which things are wrong in TINU?
Which are the things you hate about it?
Which are the things you don't understand or you had problems understanding?
Which are the problems you had?
What can be inprooved in TINU?
What can be added in TINU to make it better?
Any other thoughts?
Any desired new feature?
Those questions helps me getting an idea about your relationship with TINU and which is your idea of the app, all to guide me to make it better.
Things like this are very important to make apps for every day users, because hearing back from the users is the beast way to know what is wrong about the app.
I hope you that many of you will answer me, because i really want to improove your experience and your hackintoshing.
Hi, great to have such a direct contact!
I am sorry for the delay, we did not have internet in our region for days due to "a problem in the backbone"...
I experienced the problem that TINU was caught in a loop. It kept prompting that I should confirm the Mojave install app on my mac and the USB stick, and to acknowledge that the USB drive will be deleted and formatted.
I agreed, inserted my password a couple of times, it said formatting is finished and it would start installing the Mojave app, and after a couple of seconds it all started over again from confirming and acknowledging...
I checked the USB drive in disk utility and noted that it seemingly was already in the Mac OS Extended Journal (from an earlier use of the stick).
I changed the format to APFS and TINU worked like a charm!
Tried that with two USB drives - both behaved the same... others seem not to have experienced the same - no idea what happened.
Love the program now.
This is strange, maybe your machine has some particular disk drives configuration that i didn't thought when designing tinu, that should be investigated further (so send me a copy of tinu's log if you manage to recreate the issue, please) for the apfs, the format process works slightly differently than the other file systems so that seems to help in this particular case, but i have to investigate the precise cause of the issue
For drives already in GUID TINU itself doesn't apply any format operation, which is instead just done by the apple's "createinstallmedia" utility which is what effectively creates the usb installer, in fact tinu is a better, managed way to use this utility.
So i think that the problem could be that apple's utility has some problems with your drive such that it needed a complete format operation before being used with the utility, because drives which are already in GUID are not formatted by default as i said, so the only format operations made are what by default is performed by apple's utility (which consists in basically formatting the choosen partition to make it an HFS+ partition), in fact with apfs worked because apfs volumes are always forced to be formatted and then TINU gathers back information from the drive after formatting.
For now if it happens again use the "Format the entire usb drive option" in the advanced settings of tinu at the confirmation screen and try to disconnect all the other storage devices you have attached to the computer, except for your mac's boot drive and the usb drive (so put the app store installer in the mac's boot drive) and see if this fixes it
To give you more info i usually test TINU with usb drives formatted with GUID and HFS+ on my macbook pro and on my mac mini and i do more in depth testing with different combinations before releasing and i have a beta testing group for that, so if it was a common error with HFS+ drives i should aready find it, it seems more a problem of your specific case.
Vielleicht sollten wir TINU einen prominenteren Platz in den Anleitungen hier verschaffen. Leichter als mit Tinu geht die Erstellung eines Bootsticks ja nun wirklich nicht mehr, oder?
Thank you for appreciating my work guys (sorry if i don't speak german)
Hatte ihn auf Mac OS Extended Journal (laut disk utility).
Habe jetzt einfach mal APFS draus gemacht um zu sehen ob sich was ändert.
den Stick in ein anderes Datei Format zu formatieren (bei mir APFS) hat wohl geholfen TINU aus dem Loop zu holen - aber das ganze hat so lange gedauert, dass der Akku von meinem MBP am Ende ist, und ich Honk habe natürlich das Ladekabel zuhause vergessen!
Can you describe the problem in english? I am the developer of tinu so i am the guy to ask for help in case of problems with it.
EDIT: take also a look at the help menu in the menu bar of the app
Tinu funktioniert bei mir nicht, mein Favorit ist createinstallmedia.
***using google translator***
TINU is createinstallmedia, is just a simpler way to use it, what is not going right for you? because i am the developer of tinu i can help you, just ask
please update the description of the first post of the thread in the downloads, i made quite a few changes to the english version of the descrition in the last months
Hi, I have published a new version of TINU, with a lot of improovements based on all the user's complains in the last months. This is a short changelog:
- Huge changements and reworking under the hood
- Moved to xCode 10
- Mojave dark mode support
- New EFI Partition Mounter utility
- New redesigned log window
- Improoved grammar, text and understandability
- improoved layouts and UI
- New login and password prompt system, more secure and reliable
- Huge bug fix (thanks to the users and beta testers)
- Optimization of the app
- Re-organization of the sorce code
- Added new people to the credits (Peter Paul Chato, Thomas Tempelmann)
You can find it here:
Ja, werde ich machen!
Tut mir leid, dass ich euch mit solchen Sachen nerve!
Ist ein standart programm von macos oder muss man sich das herunterladen?
TINU is a program created by me and it's made to make very easy the creation of macOS installers, you can find it here:
Sorry if i don't speack your language
Was genau ist dieses Wiki? und wo finde ich das, auch das Tinu?
You can find it here, sorry if I don't speack german, but I am the creator of TINU
That will be solved when i will succed to implement the official apple's way to do privaldeg operations, for now there is jus a message in the second password asking but i want to deprecate this system starting with tinu 3 beta 1 if i can, but for now i have to prepare everything to implement that, so that's why i am working on tinu 2.1, to prepare the app to implement all the needed things and also to give you a better working app and with better mac os mojave comaptibility
I have tested the latest release of tinu with macOS mojave beta 2 and works flawlessly, and the new version thatb i have now decided to call version 2.1 is very close to be ready, i think i can release it in 1 or 2 weeks, i have to continue doing testing and bug fix and to finish to optimize the code
First of all make sure that you are running the latest version of the app, then if it does not works:
Please open TINU, in the menu bar click on TINU->Open TINU in diagnostics mode, it will ask you for a password, so type it and press enter, it will open terminal window and then reopen the app, in the terminal window it will display all the log of the app, so try to reuse the app, and then when it freezes copy all the text from the terminal window, put it inside a text file and send it to me, also it's useful to disconnect all the non needed storage devices from your machine, and tell me if you machine is an hackintosh or a real Mac or a vm, and which are the storage devices in it and which kind off partitions and which file system they does contain.
I need this info to trouble shoot the situation, it can also happen that on some machines the drive detection is slow
And also make sure that your usb drive meets all the requirements, you should have your main partition fo at least 8 gb in the usb drive
i am planning to give you the app for different languages, but only when i have implemented almost all the features i want to introduce, so, at least when we have a complete clover support and the guided clover configuration in tinu implemented and coprrectly working, because those are the biggest features i want to introduce into the next releases of tinu, and i have also you and some other friends to translate it to german, some other friends for franch and also i can do the italian translation, maybe we can have some spanish as well, i'd like that the version of tinu with multilanguage support will support most of the most diffused languages of the world
The fixed version fo tinu is ready, support for mojave has been added, but i need to port the project to work with swift 4.2 and xcode 10, and testing took more than i tougth, but here is it
download the updated version:
source code:
i am working on a patch rigth now, i just have to chaange the terminal command for "createinstallmedia" and the output detection system for it, the error was generated because of an unknown output from "createinstallmedia", but i am testing the fixed version rigth now to see if it works, i am also doing tests on macOS 10.14 as well
Apple did decide to modify the "createinstallmedia" executable, which is what is used by tinu, but I am working on a version which supports the new version, I just need to finish to do some changements to the code which detects the success of the "createinstallmedia" and the arguments for that new executable