Get rid of those ACPI Errors. I guess you have to much SSDT's enabled.
What must I do ? which one is for mac os 10.16 ?
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenGet rid of those ACPI Errors. I guess you have to much SSDT's enabled.
What must I do ? which one is for mac os 10.16 ?
I tried again but show ERROR AGAIN 😭 .
mt-fr You seem to have a laptop, didi you follow this guide carefully?…-lake.html#starting-point
Also you have way to many ssdts in the acpi folder, you can't just copy them over from clover.
Thank you . Yes I tried . But .... Show Error and stop logo .
Thank you . New Error... -> STOP LOGO
and when I use this EFI with 10.15.6 (installed) -> ERROR = Previous shutdown cause :5
I searched about problems but I didn't find any suggestions . How can I fix it ?
Thank you . New Error... -> STOP LOGO
and when I use this EFI with 10.15.6 (installed) -> ERROR = Previous shutdown cause :5
I test OC . stop on apple logo and data lamp is off .
Please check my OC .
My clover with 10.15.6 is ok but with OC is not working and stop on apple logo .
Any fixing ??
Raptortosh Ich weiss Ich meinte das für mt-fr da er mit clover installieren wollte.
I test OC . stop on apple logo and data lamp is off .
Please check my OC .
My clover with 10.15.6 is ok but with OC is not working and stop on apple logo .
Läuft die neueste beta bei einem clover User schon?
Just OC is ok ?
I tried but I didn't right concert to opencore
Error when use your lilu MacPeet with other lilu AppleALC is no working .
please help me to convert clover to opencore .
Hi . thank you Sir .
I changed Lilu for booting . No . any change . speakers in id22 is very Louder than now 16 .
need help ...
The new codec should be in the next release, I hope.
MacPeet anonymous_writer Noir0SX al6042
HI .after one years i come bak for more fixing mac os on gl553vd . I need your help .
can you mix two id setting in applealc ?
id 15 microphone work very good. I test it . ( internal mic and headphone mic )
id 22 speaker work very good ( headphone and internal speakers)
mix id 15 and 22 for update id 16 .
Layout 22 ALC235 for Asus ROG GL553VD-FY380 (#448)
add some Chinese translate,and support FX53VD ALC235 with ID : 15 (#362)
and last day when i open the laptop I tooke this photo:
I have problem with opencore , it shows this error and after that shows black screen.
my clover :
my open core :
Maybe check your attachments first. I get an Access denied message.
my clover :
my open core :
I have problem with opencore , it shows this error and after that shows black screen.
my clover :
my open core :
any help ?
I have problem with opencore , it shows this error and after that shows black screen.
my clover :
my open core :
How can I fix battery with that SSD ?
I think CPU friend doesn't control my CPU because when I removed it CPU work some .