Beiträge von MrVanosh

    Someone knows why DarBoot show error that isn't support on my platform? Today I started my PC and I don't see any mac OS boot option, I tried run shell but i checked all fs* and I can't access macOS partitions :/ When I booted to windows i opened DarBootLog.txt and I see this error

    01:490 (00:000) | **********************************************************

    01:490 (00:000) | This version of DarBoot is not supported on this platform!

    01:490 (00:000) | **********************************************************

    01:490 (00:000) | Reason: EAT THAT!

    Now I'm trying to recover files from this APFS partition and I will reinstall macOS.

    kuckkuck I check boot order in BIOS and nothing is added to it. In Defaults.plist DisableBootEntriesFilter is set to false, I will check in few minutes if changing to true changes something. Yes I have AppleBootPolicy in my ROM (DarBoot.log says it too)
    Edit: Ah with Enabled DisableBootEntriesFilter works well :D

    kuckkuck I've tried this already and not works, but I did it again to show logs and F8 (boot menu). Results:

    It's weird because DarBoot finds this boot.efi and says it adding on boot menu but without result :/ And with BootMenu it shows this partitions to boot(Preboot, Macintosh SSD, Recovery) but when select one of them it says not found like on screen in post above.


    • DarBoot.plist

      (826 Byte, 236 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • DarBootLog.txt

      (8,01 kB, 118 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    @iPhoneTruth oh I have same issue on previous version in High Sierra. Now on Mojave it works with only sleep issue. But I have solution, need to change one line in source code. I will post this new Voodoo with Mojave and corrupted the registry patch and then we will have functional touchscreen without UPDD Driver and working sleep :D
    Edit: Uploaded, I not guarantee touchscreen will work on High Sierra, Mojave changes something in HID Driver so it works also OOTB but with no gestures etc.



      (146,01 kB, 113 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    @iPhoneTruth Yeey, now we can use touchscreen with VoodooI2C only, UPDD Driver is not needed now. Download VoodooI2C 2.1 from github site. It has native gestures (emulated magic trackpad 2) like on my previous version which I uploaded there. If you want to use it, please remove my CustomUUID from your clover config.plist. Before installing VoodooI2C remove UPDD (can be uninstalled bo going to / Applications / Utilities / UPDD Uninstall) If you want Mojave version (kext from github don't have support for Mojave and make kernel panic write here I will post fixed version)
    Edit: meh touchscreen in this version works, but when laptop going to sleep kernel panic occurs because of screen. So again we are bounded to UPDD Driver. I think this may happen because of that USB is disconnecting when going to sleep, I will try to change something in my DSDT to change this behaviour and I will post result. Now if you want use VoodooI2C 2.1 with UPDD you must replace Info.plist in VoodooI2CHID to this to make VoodooI2C not attach to touchscreen when using UPDD(otherwise it will cause kernel panic)
    Edit: Oh :D Touchscreen on Mojave works without UPDD and voodoo :D Gestures not work and right click etc. But it don't cause any troubles. So there is another option. If you want use this u must replace Info.plist in VoodooI2CHID like I said before.

    @kuckkuck I use newest Lilu and AppleALC. I have DSDT and Defaults.plist modified by you but it not work (I've tried many variations with layout-id in DSDT but also nothing changes). DPCIManager not shows CodecID etc.
    Codecdetect by toleda too shows no audio codec detected.

    1. File: audio_codecdetect.command_v2.2
    2. No audio codec detected
    3. Verify BIOS, hardware, etc.

    Of course in bios I have enabled audio and it works with VoodooHDA(but I don't want use this kext, I prefer AppleALC) and Windows.



      (4,08 MB, 142 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    1 or 3. I see in your DSDT version it's 2 but in ioreg is still 7.
    @kuckkuck I see also HDAS section in SSDT-4 maybe changing it to HDEF will help. nvm previously I renamed B0D3 to HDAS (facepalm) I will edit with result
    Changing layout-id in DSDT change alc-layout-id in ioreg
    next edit: ehh I don't have ideas. For ALC1150 I can also inject 7 and with this injection same issue.

    I have problem with audio which I can't resolve myself. I patched DSDT and add _DSM to HDEF with audio layouts but layout-id property is not changed (is always <07 00 00 00>) in ioreg (all other custom properties added in DSDT shows). Latest _DSM I use are from there(click). My PC is Asus Maximus VII Hero (Z97), Xeon 1231v3(no IGPU), RX 480 8GB. In Defaults.plist I have disabled VoodooHDA. Of course I rested NVRAM everytime I change DSDT. Internal speakers not shows in sound settings, only monitors on DP&HDMI shows. All troubleshooting needed files & info in attachment.

    @kuckkuck Like I say OzmosisHFTTheme is in bios modded file. I don't think problem is with it, when I turn on computer without USB GUI with bootmenu(only Windows Boot Manager showing) automatically opens. This GUI opens because I set this in OzmosisDefaults so F12 won't help. Or I'm mistaken and F12 is something else than this GUI which can be enabled in Defaults.plist if yes it won't show nothing other.

    Hello, first sorry for speaking English, I learn Deutsch in school but I can't it. I Have maid Ozmosis 1.03.167x-CPWN bios for my motherboard Asus Maximus VII Hero but when I try booting with macOS High Sierra installer plugged on USB, after POST I get black screen with grey square, I can't access to GUI or boot Windows. My Hardware is Asus Maximus VII Hero (Z97 Chipset), Xeon 1231v3, Sapphire RX 480 8GB. In bios I added EnhacedFAT, exFat, HFSPlus, ApfsDriverLoader, FakeSMC(modified) with sensors, USBInjectAll, OzmosisHFTTheme, OzmosisDefaults(modified), Ozmosis. Lilu, whatevergreen and intelmausiethernet is in appropriate OZ folder. I attach stock and my modified bios versions. If it's caused by wrong Ozmosis version please write me where I can find something like Ozmosis versions list.


    • stock.rom

      (8,39 MB, 133 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • Finally.rom

      (8,39 MB, 138 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    @iPhoneTruth @anonymous writer Read carefully what I write on previous pages. Touchscreen is not on I2C, it is on USB so VoodooI2C not have any power to run this touch screen. It can only cause kernel panics sometimes when using with UPDD Driver because it's also try to attach Touchscreen on USB but it not work either(my version don't have this problem). SHUB is sensor MSFT1234 which is HID sensor for auto rotation but I can't run it on macOS probably of wrong DSDT. In theory SHUB can work OOTB because it don't need GPIO Pinning. APIC number is 1F so it's smaller than 2F and don't need gpio pinning. I think there is something wrong with i2c bus address like on touchpad. Default in DSDT for SHUB i2c address is 0x7 and Voodooi2c can't communicate like it can't communicate with default DSDT with touchpad(default i2c address for touchpad in DSDT is 0x2C and with that address voodoo can't communicate with this also but when change it to 0x15 like default in many other laptop dsdts with i2c touchpads it works well.

    @iPhoneTruth Write private message to me I will send you license for UPDD.
    Edit: maybe touchscreen is on I2C too like touchpad can be on PS2 or I2C. I see in google raydium touch screens are also on I2C. To make TPL1 show in ioreg change Return (Zero) in _CRS (TPL1) to Return (0x0F) and it will show in ioreg but it has some transaction errors. In theory it too not need gpio pinning because apic number is 18
    Edit2: I checked on linux and on I2C0 nothing is connected so touchscreen is only USB. I see only 0x0015(touchscreen) and 0x0007(sensor)