I tried a few firmware, still can not boot mojave, finally no way, with the clover installed mojave10.14
Beiträge von Markzhang
Markzhang I created a very small Ozmosis ROM for you. Only basic Ozmosis Support with the most needed modules is integrated. Try on your own risk: Mod für GA-B85M-D3H
helmett There's already a ROM for your Ga-Z97X-UD7 TH available in our Download-Section, I added the F7a BetaBIOS Version. I don't know that Beta ROM, please use it on your own risk: Ozmosis Mod für Z97X-UD7TH
Thank you very much for your help. I use the firmware you made, but I can't install the boot mojave. Maybe the firmware doesn't support APFS. I also use a lot of firmware in the forum, there is a black screen, and I can't boot the mojave system. I did not use an external graphics card, use the core display of i5 4600, I hope to get help again, thank you!
Markzhang I created a very small Ozmosis ROM for you. Only basic Ozmosis Support with the most needed modules is integrated. Try on your own risk: Mod für GA-B85M-D3H
helmett There's already a ROM for your Ga-Z97X-UD7 TH available in our Download-Section, I added the F7a BetaBIOS Version. I don't know that Beta ROM, please use it on your own risk: Ozmosis Mod für Z97X-UD7TH
The computer is unable to boot after installation. This firmware is not applicable.
Edit by al6042 -> Please do not quote posts, which are located directly before your post...
Thank you for your reply! I'm going to download this bios(B85MD3H.F15-XMAX.rom). These days I'm using a computer. It takes a few days to test.
help! ga-b85m-d3h Ozmosis bios for macOS Mojave ,think you! Because of the poor English level, there is no way to ask the experts in detail.
Motherboard. GA-b85m-d3h
processori5 4430
graphicscardIntel Hd 4600
bootloader Ozmosisoperating
bios down:http://download.gigabyte.cn/Fi…_bios_ga-b85m-d3h_f15.zip
help! ga-b85m-d3h azmosis for macOS Mojave ,think you! Because of the poor English level, there is no way to ask the experts in detail.
Motherboard. GA-b85m-d3
processori5 4460
graphicscardIntel Hd 4600
bootloader Ozmosisoperating