Beiträge von chenchangjv

    chenchangjv Are you sure the kexts aren't injected? Did you check kextstat | grep -v apple? You shouldn't install the same kext to various locations... Only put the kext on you System-EFI Partition, never to S/L/E using KextUtility. Where is your current ROM from?

    Jakushevich Have you tried Boot Override?

    It works well now, Thanks a lot. Now, the only problem is without a webdriver, my GTX760 works in a quiet low FPS, do you have any idea to deal with this?:)

    Update: My failure was caused by an old AppleALC, now it works well. Thanks!

    Hello, I have a B85m-D3h with E3 1231 v3 and gtx760

    Now I have installed a build of ozmosis by other people, and launched system successfully.

    But the ozmosis doesn't contain kexts for LAN and sound, I'm seeking your help about how to inject the kexts to system or to some EFI part?

    I have placed them in EFI/Oz/Darwin/Extensions/Common and use Kext Utilities, but both of them didn't work. (I'm sure I have found the true EFI part because I have put the kexts to all EFI parts that exists)

    Thank you:)