hm schade.. ok aber danke!
Beiträge von C Punkt
Hi zusammen,
ich möchte gern die Apps, mit denen ich am iPad schaffe und dort male, bzw Annotation mache etc. am MacBook bzw. dem dort angeschlossenen Monitor sehen. Also nicht die sidecar Funktion wo ich das iPad als zweiten Screen für das MacBook nutze sondern eben umgekehrt, den Mac als 2. Screen für iPad. Müsste ja eig nicht so schwer sein, aber habe die Funktion noch nicht gefunden. Danke schonmal!
C Punkt
Hi zusammen,
aufgrund einer räumlichen Obstuktion, kann ich den Ton von zb Youtube Videos nicht über den Fernsehr abspielen lassen (habe auch keine Möglichkeit den Audiolautsprecher mit dem TV oder Apple TV zu verbinden, da die in einem anderen Raum hinter einer Glaswand sind) sondern über das iPhone selbst bzw mit diesem verbundene Bluetooth Speaker. Kann man das irgendwie einstellen? Danke!
LG -
After all the ION Name pci14e4:4328 turned out to be a hint that it is the BCM4321 device.. Little confusing however with the newest patcher it turned out to work just fine now with my Mac.. Thanks for the help though!
oh ok.. isnt it easier to buy a usb WiFi stick like the TP-link Archer T3U that works on 10.14 according to Amazon? Not sure I buy the Right one, dont really know where to look for the compatibilty..
ok and what do I do now? I read something About "kext? or do I Need another device?
I guess the the BCM4328 is to old for Mojave.
If you check the following link, for Wifi devices supported in Sierra to Catalina, you will find them (BCM43328) in the "unsupported" section:
Hi everybody, this is my first post here and I registered because I installed the Mojave patch on my iMac8.1 (after adding 2x2gb ram and an SSD) Now the WiFi won't Show up, apparently it does not recognize the Adapter... I'm not sure if the Hardware is just not supported or if there is a way to make it work (otherwise I you could recommend me a working small WiFi-usb stick?) in the System report I can't look up the interface info on "Wifi" as in the Picture of Dosdude's Homepage where it tells you to look up if you have a working Card, Looking there and then checking whether it says (0x14E4, 0x8C) or else.. In that window it only Show the "sorfware versions:" column but noch the "interface" column.. however I could look up in the terminal I have the BCM4328 WiFi module and not the BCM4321 WiFi module, which gives me hope.
(at least according to the info on the Sierra patch for WiFi, in the info for the mojave patch it doesn't say anything About WiFi incompatibilites..)Help would be awesome! Thanks!
PS I understand German and English, answer in any language, I try to answer back in the same