Beiträge von hsathler

    Hello guys! Does anyone knows how to configure SATA Hot Swap to work? I configured it in BIOS, but the system can't recognize when I plug in the external HDD.


    Hello again guys! So answering my own question, I found a little trick to enable Hot Swap, so if anyone else is interested:

    Open config.plist in Clover Configurator and in the Kernel and Kext Patches / KextsToPatch include the following info:

    Name: AppleAHCIPort

    Find* [HEX]: 40600200

    Replace* [HEX]: 00000000

    Comment: SATA Hot Swap Fix

    Make sure it's enabled, save the config.plist and restart.

    Hi, @Kazuya91. Thank you very much for the kindly repply. Nevermind about HD repply. Tried again yesterday with another cable and everything is working perfect. It's strange because I ever used the original case cable that always worked. After replacing the cable, I could transfer about 900GB without any concern.

    So my only other question: Is it possible to enable all four USB 2.0 internal ports? How can I do that?

    Thanks again for all support!

    Hello guys! First post! Sorry for posting in English. Unfortunately, despite being a gran gran son of Germans they don't teach the language in the family for generations. Sorry for my possible bad english too, as it's not my first language.

    I want to thank you all, especially @ Kazuya91 ! I was searching for a solution to shutdown / sleep / restart on my build and stumbled in this topic and found the EFI file attached to the first topic and tried it, for the first time and now appears to working now.

    I would like to know all USB 2.0 ports instead of just one. If yes, can anyone teach me how to do this?

    Thanks in advance!

    [Edit]: My external USB backup HD keeps "Unproperly Ejecting". Using my old EFI (no shutdown/sleep/restart), the drive keeps connected. Any advice?