Beiträge von garex

    garex,download a fresh copy from microsoft and follow the the part "Create a Win10 install DVD:" to fix your "Select CDROM tye" error.

    Works well ;)


    I am really sorry, I followed the howto above 1:1 but it didn't work; I had four DVD burned which created all the same error: "Select CDROM type". The fifth DVD could not be burned as Win10 1903 was too big to fit on a 4.7GB DVD. That is the reason I wrote the addon comment with the KB buffer trick.

    Best regards,


    Addon posting after 10h searching on the web and four burned DVD ROM later to only find out the native win10 CD bought in a shop just will do.

    When you boot from the Windows CD and you are stuck without the ability to type anything on the keyboard at the following dialogue:



    Select CDROM type

    What happens? Because this is a generic Windows install DVD it will check the hardware, unload all drivers (sic!) including the USB keyboard drivers and if you have more than one drive to start from, it will ask you which CDROM type you want to choose to be mapped to logical drive C: for installation.

    If that happens, you are stuck and you cannot enter anything on your keyboard; even hitting the CAPS LOCK key does not show any LED blinking.

    Try the following hack:

    • Pull out all your hard drives except the one you want to install Win10 on.
    • Boot your Mac into the bootmanager by holding ALT key after the chime
    • Open your DVD ROM drive by hitting the eject button on your Apple Keyboard.
    • Insert the Windows10 install CD and when the tray closes, hammer the keyboard by hitting key "1" until the screen turns black, then immediately hammer the keyboard with hitting the "return" key.
    • Hammering the keyboard in that way fills the keyboard buffer for the needed selection until the USB keyboard driver will get unloaded. Until that happens, the keyboard input buffer filled with the needed keystrokes will be sufficient and the Windows installation procedure will continue as normal.
    • USB keyboard and mouse drivers will be loaded and you can just proceed with your normal windows installation.

    Got that from here:…st=24865043#post-24865043