kuckkuck I think the 1st biggest problem for me is solve this "End RandomSeed" then reboot for Clover.
My mainboard and CPU are special, the DMG(within Clover) download from web, the default.plist and other important files are from built-in Clover. I have tried different MenoryFix modules, but no effect.... I can't modify the default.plist and SSDT/DSDT by myself, I'm not even sure what the real cause of the problem is...
Thanks for reply!
nokiachangzhi 没事老哥。我的DMG是从黑果小兵那下的,按理说这个带Clover的镜像用TransMac之类的软件写入到U盘里以后,应该能直接在Ozmosis的界面选择进入安装吧?但是我这现在OZ界面选择Clover的EFI分区启动就会RandomSeed重启,选择OS X的分区启动就直接禁行/黑屏然后死机或者重启了,这太难受了。。。
Never mind bro. My DMG was download from 黑果小兵, Logically, Ozmosis can boot with the OS X partition in DMG with-in Clover, but in my mainboard will be BlackScreen or halt, if I choose Clover EFI partition, "End RandomSeed/+++" will be shown, then reboot.
I have no ID for pcbeta.
Raptortosh Can Ozmosis load other MemoryFix module from EFI partition?