Beiträge von cocoz

    ok i do this with your new update and after tell you the result


    with mojave there is full acceleration but don't launch osx because there is same kernel panic and stop working after igpu information

    ok I redo and download the pack…u55-macos-hackintosh.html again and then post the results

    update: i redo anythings you tell me i install catalita beta on ssd of u55 and launch and here there is scheenshoot:

    after i press f11 by clover for nvram but the result is kernel panic in memory stack ...kext ect now i don't understand what is missing in my usb configuartion level you could kindly correct and reup may efi folder with what is missing please

    sorry I didn't want to make you angry anyway I know you updated it on May 12, in fact I tried it the next day and I made the replacement that you described to me here but as I told you it doesn't start for that kernel memory panic

    sorry for the text in code I'm learning to use this chat

    1. I have already used this package I have also overwritten just the config.plist but nothing every effort is in vain I'm going crazy I don't know how to do it I could opt for an external sound card but not having the HD5500 that works makes me nervous
    2. I also tried using your method with mojave it activates them acceleration by reading in -v but does not start the system because it falls into the kernel panic and restarts
    3. sorry but my ignorance but there is no working EFI pack for this model?

    1. I tried but it gets stuck in kernel panic(memeory panic) the only way to install catalina is to use unibeast in that case it installs and starts it but a config.plist is missing in fact I don't have hardware acceleration and it suond through the hdmi the rest works so if anyone could solve this question it would be fantastic<img src="" alt=":hurra:" class="smiley" height="22" data-tooltip=":hurra:" id="wscSmiley_1_0">
    2. at the moment the vanilla method on u55 does not work so well because following the kernel panic described on "in memor stac ect .." you cannot start the system .... while with unibeast it starts but the h5500 is not configured with the result that sees it as h5500 7 but there is no hardware acceleration or transparency of the dock and even less the sound via hdmi

    hi also i have the same problem with my beelink u55 could you please share your EFI folder please? a curiosity but you copied the kext folder to the usb stick, excluding the fakesmc but also the config.plist?