Beiträge von Josepihs

    Hey i am using elitebook g5. Owner of the efi this guy

    I wanted to write here it can be useful for your development.. :) and i wanted to switch g7 too.

    This has to be done on your own with dumps from your actual bios. Some ROM values are unique to every Machine (eg. HardwareID, SLIP Tables and so on) and should not be interchanged. Using a ROM from the Web or from another person is a bad idea. The process of whitelist removal itself is described by Sascha_77 in this thread: BIOS Mod (WWAN Whitelist) mit wenigen Schritten selbstgemacht if you feel uncomfortable with it or don't understand how to do it feel free to ask or send me your dumps via PN and I'll remove the wihitelist for you.

    thankks I'll buy these from the internet (SOIC8 SOP8 and CH341A). Right? and i will try whitelist removal if i cant i will send my dump

    actually i am using intel wifi right now

    I can use wifi and bluetooth

    but I can't use a few features because location isn't working

    Do you think I need to remove the whitelist

    Should I continue to use it like this griven sorry for tags

    I did the whitelist removal and unlocked the advanced settings as well.

    Since Intel WIFI wasn't possible at the time I got mine I had no other choice. In order to apply a modified Bios you need to disassemble the Notebook (the Bios Rom Chips are near the CPU on the top side of the Board) and use an external SPI Flash programmer to flash the modified Rom. After flashing the ROM I was able to replace the build in Intel WIFI Card with an DW1550 (Broadcom WIFI/BT Combo Card).

    where can I find modified rom. do you still have griven

    Retch sapperlot! Das geht ich glaub es ja nicht ;)

    Danke für den Tipp VoodooI2C erweckt auch beim Yoga S1 den Touchscreen zum Leben sehr schick das :klatsch:

    specialbox Stefan ich habe mal die um den Touchscreen Treiber ergänzte efi hier angehangen damit hast Du dann schon mal eine Baustelle weniger :top:

    Hey can you share the las efi yo used (yoga s1/s240)

    The sleep Issues with VoodooPS2 are well known and obviously by now there ist no solution for that (-> you may try other branches of VoodooPS2 which may work across sleep but won't offer any multitouch Gestures. The Trackpad also does work (kind of) after sleep just try to use three Fingers instead of one and you'll see that it is not completely dead it simply does not recognise the Gestures correctly (maybe a VoodooInput issue I don't know)...

    Hm got it. Now I'm trying opencore with mojave. On the setup screen, the touchpad was not working but the touch screen was working. so I continued with the installation. After the installation is finished, I will try to solve the kexts by trying. I will continue to write here because it was so helpful. Which efi do you use in your yoga right now? Do you have the possibility to send? Sorry for my Engkish

    Hello, I have a Yoga S1. I want to install a Hackintosh. I've tried a lot, but sometimes something doesn't work. Cursor freezes after going to bed (last efi you shared with oc). Can you share your last clean EFI? Are you using Hackintosh with S1? Should I use Mojave or Catalina for this of course?