Beiträge von glennv

    tnx, going to try it this evening and keep you posetd. Appreciate your help.

    ( ps The SSDT was original i pulled from the Thunderbolt thread on this forum and only changed the device path as DSM2 suggest in his manual) . But not familiar with ssdts


    Just tested and it does something for sure, but it wipes thunderbolt completely now.

    Added hackintool pci devices export so you can check my hardware paths as something is nat matching up in the aml, but dont understand enough to judge.


    • pcidevices.txt

      (35,78 kB, 91 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Ok lieber leute, bin fast fertig.

    Alles in meinem 4U rack eingebaut. Alles arbeited so einwandfrei und schnell wie den teufel , sondern die &^$^&* Titan Ridge tut nicht was ich wolle.

    Meiner schuld sicherlich den er steckt im slot 3 (kein andere option, 2 slot wide gpu's in 1 und 5) aber ist pre-flashed .

    Habe DSM gefolgt und versucht die hotplug aml zu modifizieren (device path) aber hotplug geht nichts.

    Bitte hilfe !


    • SSDT-TBOLT3.aml

      (17,52 kB, 55 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Well i am sofar not feeling the love yet from my experiments. Giving up on trying to boot fully from my old hack bootdrive and have to do the hard road of reinstall, reregister, reconfigure all my billions of softwares/plugings etc etc.

    Spring cleaning.

    Farthest i got was booted, but no video. Can ssh in , vnc also black screen , and lots of crashing services in the logs. So no go there.

    Anyway, back to my clean install, where i have also some wierd issues appearing.

    I received my samsun 970 nvme in the mail and thought of installing clean on there instead of on an ssd that i currently worked with. But every time after a few minutes into the install it just hangs (mouse froze and no activities. (repeatable)
    Pulling out my hairs i though lets be smart and just use carbon copy cloner and clone the working clean ssd into the nvme.
    Froze all the way at the end when preparing the preboot volume which ccc does.
    So just reset the machine and it booted fine from the nvme. Duhhh

    I try to see a pattern to the freezes i am getting. And one 100% repeatable i have found is that whenever a restart is triggered (manualy of via installer etc ) , the machine hangs at this screen. Any idea's ??



    Was about to give up but then i did a fresh clean start , removed TB card , wiped the nvme and tried to install Mojave on it.

    It hanged after a few minutes again.
    So i started to seriousy suspect nvme as a factor (at least for booting etc) as heard that at least in the past certain nvme's could have issues .
    So i made a fresh clone of my old system again on SSD, and tried to boot.

    BOOM SUCCESS. My old system running on new hardware.

    So now i know it can work, going to look for solution for the nvme issue (if you know please shout !!). Can use it as cache drive ofcourse no probs.
    Next attempt will include booting with the TB card in play as maybe that broke earlier attempts to boot onto my old system drive, confusing the issue.
    Also i can try the older bios mentioned here as standard and play with that , see if it makes a difference and a better fir for appfelnicos EFI . But happy that at least i KNOW it is possible to migrate without the pain of reinstalling everything. I was not looking forward to it.

    p.s. Above shutdown/reboot issue is the same so not related to content of the drive as was same for fresh install.

    Tips are welcome


    Almost there. Replaced the usb kext from the EFI from apfelnico , with a generated kext from hackintool and my reboot/shutdown is working again .

    Last remaining item before full success and champagne : NVME...


    Think i am there. Downloaded NVMEfix kext via hackintool and added to plist.
    Installing Mojave to NVME nwo works and in progress. So cloning should similarly work and i can migrate fully (boardswap in my 4U rackmounted current case) to this board (now running in parralel).
    Only diff with final setup will be a second Vega 56 and a firewire card now still in cative live workstation.

    So guess talking to myself on this board still helped ;-) ;-)

    Tnx guys !!!

    Hi guys,

    New user on this amazing forum that i was pointed to by a member (@kavenzmann) and friend of mine in similar business. Can read and speak German fine but tosafe you from my bad writing , i do it in English.

    So i am just starting a new build with this exact motherboard and a 7940x cpu .

    Doing some initial attempts to see if i can migrate my old installation (mojave) to his board in the next weeks , but to limit the number of issues i try a clean install first.

    Of course i tried to all or nothing approach and just see if my current boot disk from old hack with this new EFI would boot this board and it did, but then it ended up after a while with a black screen and just a mouse pointer . Typically that is pikera but seemed it was already added.

    So i went the other way to go as barebone as possible to exclude issues introduced by stuff on my existing boot drive. So clean install

    Now i have a probably super simpel issue i hope you can help me with.

    Created an installer usb for mojave and your EFI. Changed the number of vcpu to 27 in the kext and added serial number info. Nothing else.

    On the board i have only the cpu, 64g gskill (from oficial supported list) and a radeon 56 to start with. PLugged in an apple kb and a corded mouse.

    Boots fine with mouse and keyboard working in OC menu but when i hit the installer screen ,mouse and kb are dead.

    Any ideas where to look ?


    I had another issue while trying to collect opencore logs i mention, just in case its related. When i changed the debut target to 67 (from 0) in the cinfig.plist , OC would not boot and dump with "00:000 00:000 OC: Failed to initialize pointer"

    It would pass and boot if disabled pointer support in OC.

    Again you guys are amazing. Also just received a flashed Titan ridge in the mail so ready to rumble. Wish i had found this forum years ago when building my other hacks (mostly clover and now several virtual machine opencore builds, but this is my first hardwareopencore build)

    p.s. Already patched the 10G ports from ubuntu. Was already used to that with all my other builds that have 10G intel cards

    Some extra info:

    Seems some issues with the usb port initialisation . Is there anything specific i missed in the bios maybe as this efi is made for this exact board .

    Running latest 3203 bios btw


    As i could no get those onboard 4 USB's to survive post OC once OSX starts booting , and my Titan Ridge had just arrived, i shoved it in the board, connected an old TB1 hub to it via TB3>TB1 cable and plugged my keyboard and mouse in there.
    That worked immediately so my flashed Titan Ridge already passed the tests. So i could install Mojave and all worked fine in the new clean install.
    Would still like to get these damed inbuild 4 USB ports to work and my gut says they should as the unmodified EFI is purposely build for this board incl full USB support.
    Checked BIOS but could not find anything in USB section other then enable/disable legacy support (default enabled), or USB storage support.
    Any help would be appreciated

    UPDATE 2:

    Found a solution on other site from a user with the exact same issue.

    Added npci=0x3000 to boot parameters and my 4 usb ports came back alive.

    Only remaining issue is now to get my old mojave to boot . New install works 100% , old drive boot from same efi boots eventualy into the black screen with movable cursor.
    Hope i can figure this one out as well.....