Beiträge von Warbands

    The solution provided here worked great. I linked this forum post in a reddit post I made on r/hackintosh, crediting this forum for the solution.…eaks_aquantia_107_10gbit/

    I previously tried the latest unreleased OpenCore 0.8.0 with support for the new kernel quirk "ForceAquantiaEthernet". Sadly it caused repeating kernel panics for my system.

    I will revisit it in the future, but for now, this solution was awesome, thanks everyone!

    Yea I verified that the 10Gb Ethernet worked and received an IP under Windows 10. I am also running the current firmware for the built-in NIC. I then shutdown completely and powered down, and then booted up macOS Catalina. With my previous patch


    * Find: 6275696C 742D696E

    * Replace: 62626262 62626262

    I would at least get the Aquantia to show up under system information, but it never picks up an IP and acts like the cable is not plugged in. Any other patch, like the one mentioned by Toskache wouldn't end up even showing my 10Gb NIC under System Information.

    I have been digging through other forums, insanelymac for instance, trying to find other users who have experienced a similar issue, but so far nothing has worked.

    There were some threads where people were having to use an older macOS build to flash the firmware on the NIC ( unsure but I think those were standalone cards ).

    I know people have gotten the 10Gb ethernet to work on the ASUS Rampage VI Extreme, I am just at a loss on how.

    You nee a patch for the Aquantia:


    * Find: 0F84C002 0000

    * Replace: 660F1F44 0000

    When I use that patch, the 10Gb Ethernet disappears completely from the system information page. If I use the following patch it at least shows up, though it acts like I never have a cable plugged into it:


    * Find: 6275696C 742D696E

    * Replace: 62626262 62626262

    Under Windows 10 the Aquantia 10g Ethernet built into my ASUS Rampage VI Extreme works great with no issues.

    I am noticing the following during bootup:

    AssetMacros: status, file:/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 5853, value: 0


    Thanks for the information juantrix , I will check out what that Thunderbolt config page gives me compared to my current .aml file.
    My Aquantia AQC107 is flashed to the latest firmware and that didn't help. I am going to check your latest patch, as it differs from the patch find and replace that I have seen talked about everywhere. I will let you know how this goes, thanks!

    juantrix I am curious, why did you move from the Rampage VI Extreme to the Sage-10G?

    TitanRidge AIC? Not familiar with that one. Is it the same board as the ASUS ThunderboltEX 3? If you have nothing plugged into your Thunderbolt card, does it say "No drivers are loaded." in the System Information panel?

    As far as smbios, I am currently using iMacPro1,1, I was just curious why you were using MacPro7,1.

    I also have seen an issue where my 10Gbit ethernet ( Aquantia AQC107 ) on the ASUS Rampage VI Extreme seems to be recognized as you can see in the screenshot, but for some reason says that the ethernet cable is not plugged in. I don't have a solution so far, any ideas? I am using the following in my config.plist

    I saw you had a specific SSDT-X299-AQC107.aml file, though I wasn't sure why. I also noticed you had a different patch. I tried your patch, and the AQC107 stopped showing up entirely.



    juantrix Sorry I haven't responded till now. I had to evacuate due to the Silverado Fire in Orange County California. Just got back, so taking a look at your data. I was surprised to see you are using a way newer bios for the R6E, did it improve anything for you? I am also guessing why you have a Cascade Lake Fix aml possibly? This will take a bit of time to dig through, and I may have some more questions. Thank you for sending me this, very appreciated.

    So I did a completely fresh EFI, and hand constructed all my own SSDT's. I also added initial setup for my ASUS ThunderboltEX 3 card. I followed KGP's info on his big post for x299 and Mojave.

    I also learned something today, the 15 port USB limit is per USB controller, not for the entire system, according to CorpNewt. That was awesome to find out, meaning I only had to remove one USB port ( my ASUS RGB haha which was already useless ).

    Edit* I was able to get my ThunderboltEX 3 fully working! I followed KGP's guide to the letter, and took his SSDT-X299-TB3HP.aml and modified it to point to my 4th PCI slot. I was able to get my Thunderbolt drive working, but only if it was connected on boot. I read his post over and over again. Then it dawned on me, I remember seeing his post in 2 places, insanelymac and (illegal word on this forum). I was using the one at an insanelymac, so I went over to the (illegal word on this forum). It turns out he had completely different BIOS settings for Thunderbolt in that one. It was also dated 2 weeks later. So I updated my BIOS settings, and now it is working with full hot swap support!

    Still having issues with trying to boot up Catalina sadly.

    pascal_s I got my ThunderboltEX 3 to support full plug and play. Here is the aml I am using ( same slot and motherboard as you so it should work out of the box ). Also make sure to use these Bios settings.

    For me, using just the XhciPortLimit Quirk wasn't enough, I still had some USB oddities. I ended up using USBMap and I was able to reduce my port count and not have my Bluetooth disappear. On this motherboard, HS11 seems to be tied my Bluetooth.

    Even though I have my ports down to 15 (checked via USBMap and Hackintool) trying to put my computer to sleep only puts the screen to sleep, my fans and motherboard lights are still all going.

    I ordered the ASUS ThunderEX 3 Thunderbolt add in card, I saw a thread here on the forums about someone who got it work (unsure if they got hot swapping to work) so hopefully that will be not too hard.

    Edit* I installed the ASUS ThunderEX 3 card, and set up my bios settings based on KGP's older x299 page ( his .aml locked up my machine so need to figure that one out ). I booted into Windows 10 and got it "working", I am getting a Thunderbolt 3 Samsung X5 tomorrow to test with, but my Type C key worked just fine in the Thunderbolt port. I booted into Mojave and again the Type C worked without issue, and supported plug and play. I am unsure what this will mean with the Thunderbolt 3 drive tomorrow. If there is anything else I need to know about getting the ThunderboltEX 3 card working under OS X, I would love to hear it.

    Do you know if it is possible to capture or store the boot info that goes by. I know I can record errors to a log via opencore, and am doing that currently, I just would like to see everything, and recording it on a phone as it scrolls by is not great.

    I also wanted to see if I could install Catalina on a second SSD, and start going down that path ( I am currently on Mojave ). When I use my current EFI and boot into the Catalina installer and go to install Catalina to my second SSD ( or any drive at all ) the install window disappears, checking the log I get the log that I have included below.

    Thank you for the warm welcome! DSM2 I was about to handle my USB port mapping. I have seen 2 main methods for this.

    Method # 1 InjectAll and Hackintool…channel=OlarilaHackintosh

    Method # 2 Using USBMap

    After watching the video for Method # 1, it seemed straight forward. I found USBMap in the past to be a bit hit and miss. Which method do most people use?
    I have included my EFI, though this is ahead of me finishing the USB port mapping.

    juantrix ,what is not currently working for you for your setup?

    Edit, I ended up using USBMap as Method #1 ended up acting odd.

    Damn there are alot of USB ports on this board ;)


    I was able to bring my ports down to 15 according to USBMap


    ASUS Rampage VI Extreme (original) with Radeon VII

    I am currently using OpenCore 6.2 and have a "decently" working EFI setup for my Rampage VI Extreme (original), but there are things that still don't work.

    Things that don't work

    • Sleep, I couldn't get the machine to sleep, the screen will go dark, but the computer won't go to sleep
    • USBMap has been a bit of a pain to say the least

    I am including my config.plist, with a side note. I have a DSDT.aml that was created for me that seems to cover a ton of stuff, the other SSDT's that I was using seemed to do a good job, I think the big DSDT.aml is a bit more detailed.

    If anyone has any pointers or suggestions based on my config.plist let me know. If someone has an amazing fully working EFI they want to share, I would be happy to check it out.
    It is rare to find X299 Hackintosh setups using the ASUS Rampage VI Extreme, so I am glad I found this forum.

    My apologies that my post is in English, I read through the forum rules and didn't see any rules against posting in English. I have pasted a google translation below:

    German version

    ASUS Rampage VI Extreme (Original) mit Radeon VII

    Ich verwende derzeit OpenCore 6.2 und habe ein "anständig" funktionierendes EFI-Setup für mein Rampage VI Extreme (Original), aber es gibt Dinge, die immer noch nicht funktionieren.

    Dinge, die nicht funktionieren

    • Schlaf, ich konnte die Maschine nicht in den Ruhezustand versetzen, der Bildschirm wird dunkel, aber der Computer wird nicht in den Ruhezustand versetzt
    • USBMap war, gelinde gesagt, ein bisschen schmerzhaft

    Ich füge meine config.plist mit einer Randnotiz hinzu. Ich habe eine DSDT.aml, die für mich erstellt wurde und eine Menge Dinge abzudecken scheint. Die anderen SSDTs, die ich verwendet habe, schienen gute Arbeit zu leisten. Ich denke, die große DSDT.aml ist etwas detaillierter.

    Wenn jemand Hinweise oder Vorschläge hat, die auf meiner config.plist basieren, lass es mich wissen. Wenn jemand einen erstaunlichen voll funktionsfähigen EFI hat, den er teilen möchte, würde ich ihn gerne ausprobieren.

    Es ist selten, dass X299-Hackintosh-Setups mit ASUS Rampage VI Extreme gefunden werden. Daher bin ich froh, dass ich dieses Forum gefunden habe.


    Ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass mein Beitrag auf Englisch ist. Ich habe die Forenregeln durchgelesen und keine Regeln gegen das Posten auf Englisch gesehen.


    • config.plist

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