Beiträge von fabiosun

    One of the very few people who could help made it clear that he is not willing because of the structural limitations of the product itself

    why insist on it?

    cui prodest?


    1) you have to download AMD beta Kernel PAtches 2 patches are only fo Sequoia

    2) see above

    3) Max kernel value

    Where you see 23.99.99 you have to set to 24.99.99 (not for old patches 1/2 as above because they are new)

    Attached my config.plist

    Check kext section (use latest Lilu found in github / action )and Kernel patches (i use also OCLP so you have to adapt for your needs)

    on my AMD rig i have a serious problem for now with macOS 15

    I am not able to spoof my GPU in any way i used in the past with other OSes like Sonoma or Ventura (DP spoof or SSDT spoof)

    Any of you have spoofed a 6950xt in Sequoia?

    I know some success with 6650xt

    for interested people i have this report from apple :