you are welcome
And thanks for you too...
How can I update to oc 0.7.4 or 0.7.3? 'cause i have problem updating to macos monterey
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenyou are welcome
And thanks for you too...
How can I update to oc 0.7.4 or 0.7.3? 'cause i have problem updating to macos monterey
Hi Friends,
For me, and it's my opinion,macOS Monterey or macOS 12 BETA is faster than macOS Big Sur but still slowly than macOS Catalina
NOW, i can say that i have no problems with it
Thanks guys and enjoy!!!
I need you to tell me if you have been able to play a video in MKV format in full screen without lagging. please
- Vollzitat entfernt -
WOOWWWW, days ago I wanted to tell you that if you have tried to play videos in MKV format or something other than MP4, it is too slow
i have no idea my friend...
i can connect monitor via VGA???
I managed to install Mojave and now I have "Install big" but when creating a bootable usb say "sudo: /Volumes/data/macOS-Big-Sur-11.0.1-20B29/...Install macOS Big Sur .app / Contents / Resources / createinstallmedia: command not found "I need you to upload the * createinstallmedia * file to see if I can make the USB bootable
okay step 1 completed, update my bios to a26 I was very scared but I already did it hahaha...what's next?