Beiträge von 14m12007

    I would try before to see if also yours is affected of this serious problem, the or Asus, Gigabyte, ASRock it is up to you the choice

    I have had for few time an Asrock x570 Steel legend

    Simple to configure

    Main thing to consider for a new buy is if the internal lan is working or not with OSX greater than big Sur

    i think i will buy this board (x570), i guess everything is working there right ? since you recommend it ?

    i have yesterday night succesfully installed the montery onto the ssd (like the same way i did with the m1) and as i though, i am able to see the OS it was cause of the ARM arch

    but when i boot it, it turns into weird, i mean really weird. the logs from the loader later in the shell are unreadable and are transforming into weird broken up characters, in the middle of the screen is a overlay with a circle and a line through it where it below has some text with support link or something idk. i can later on make a photo and upload it, will need to swap cards again for it

    maybe its because of the board like you said.

    at the 26 this month i will buy Radeon VII + this Board i guess, tomorrow the Wifi + BT card will arrive. when i have all components together i want to get rid of big sur and get my monterey work. hopefully its a hardware part issue

    Update for big sur:

    Power Management working (added kext for it)

    Wifi working,

    BT no working (fixed tomorrow by new card)

    i tried the vanilla approach now you mentioned, @ 12 minutes the installer is showing up a notification

    „an error occurred loading the update"

    all i can do is close it and retry, which will lead me to the same error im rly frustrated :(


    I tried the vanilla approach again and didn't want to give up i had a better feeling there, I made some instinctive small changes in my EFI and now it is working. i was able to successfully install Big Sur 11.7.



    Wlan and Bluetooth are not working, i have read about my card it has an intel chip so the drivers may not be able to handle it, i have bough a new card

    this one:…tle_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    it arrives on friday, then both should work i guess, ssd for monterey is curently prepping

    If you are installing Big Sur in recovery mode your LAN should work fine ( with kext you have declared for it)

    if you are downloading a full Big Installer from your M! you will find it in Applications folder

    if ie your USB pen is called pippo you can execute from terminal this command_

    1. sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ --volume /Volumes/pippo

    and my ssd needs to be formated as fat32 ?

    do i need to update the opencore EFI afterwards ?

    theoretically i am getting a sata usb adapter from amazon in maximum 1-2 hours, can i also prepare the full installation from a mac and than just plug in the sata into my machine ?

    Sorry I can't read popup error message

    It is saying

    "An error occurred preparing the software update"


    apfel-baum  fabiosun

    I selected the option "recovery mode" from boot menu.

    I erased the prev macos install and reformated the disk.

    I tried a new install.

    Error Message: "A internet connection is needed to install macos"

    maybe this two errors share the same error source.

    my ethernet is plugged in, why shouldn't i have one ?


    i chose a other lan port and switched the cable sides, another clean install is running, i will keep you updated and hope that it will run through i really need to work soon on my projects and want to do it on the hackintosh :(


    still the same error :(

    "An error occurred preparing the software update"

    Based on your EFI

    if you like to try, backup yours

    Thanks for the EFI, I tested it and sadly it rebooted aswell (monterey) but i can see no error logs in my USB Device.

    therefore i was more experimenting with big sur and modified my EFI a bit and changed the kexts order. I was able to start the installer.

    I formatted my SSD and selected it as device. Everything seemed to work smoothly.

    Then the PC rebooted and the installation continued, usual progressbar with "x minutes remaining" after that my new issue begins.

    i am seeing a notification which is saying:

    "An error occurred preparing the software update"

    I attached my Big sur EFI below.

    This is what i am seeing :




      (4,08 MB, 90 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Hi apfel-baum ,

    danke dir für deine Tipps, diese habe ich direkt umgesetzt.

    In der Tat habe ich Intel Kexte gehabt (bluetooth) habe sie raus getan, die config plist geupdated und neu probiert. Leider wieder ein reboot passiert, der log sieht noch ziemlich gleich aus:

    Meine EFI habe ich als Anhang angehängt EFI

    Hi Leute,

    ich bin mittlerweile echt verzweifelt und hoffe jemand mit etwas mehr Erfahrung kann mir helfen.

    Das Mainsetup steht oben im Titel ich hab realtek ethernet und intel wlan, nutze die aktuellste opencore version und auch die aktuellsten kext versionen für whatevergreen etc.

    Hier könnt ihr euch mein EFI anschauen : EFI

    Das Szenario welches sich abspielt wenn ich versuche Monterey zu installieren ist wie folgt:

    Ich wähle im Bootloader die Installation aus, es erscheinen Terminal logs und am ende startet sich der Rechner neu.

    Ich habe irgendwie das Gefühl, als wäre fast alles in Ordnung, jedoch würde etwas grafiktechnisch nicht stimmen, wahrscheinlich irre ich mich.

    Das hier ist das letzte Bild, das ich sehe vor dem reboot:


    Szenario 2 :

    Da ich wirklich keine Idee mehr habe was ich noch testen könnte, dachte ich mir ich probiere es mal mit Big Sur.

    Ich bin auch tatsächlich ein kleines bisschen weiter gekommen (gleicher EFI Folder, Kexts etc.)

    Jetzt ist es so, dass der Installer startet oder sich starten möchte.

    Jedoch bin ich nicht in der Lage irgendetwas zu sehen, überzeugt euch selbst :D


    Für Big Sur existieren keine Error Logs im USB.

    Für Monterey existieren welche, ist aber eigentlich immer der selbe nur mit anderen Timestamps.

    Falls es hilft, hier der Log :