Beiträge von startergo

    Thanks. You may want to update your link to point to At the moment it just opens non existent http://nootrx/

    Unfortunately, DRM Decoder does not work with this solution.

    Could it be because the AMDRadeonX6000_AMDRadeonHWServicesNavi is not injected properly? Also AMDRadeonX6000_AMDNavi21GraphicsAccelerator is missing from IO Registry at all. I am attaching an IO Registry backup for comparison. The IOProbeScore is set to 6502, which is higher than the original by only 1, whereas the IOProbeScore of the AMDRadeonX6000_AmdGpuWrangler, which injects correctly is 2 units higher than the original?


    Replaced the USB Mapping with SSDT from kext.

    Still freezing.

    Now added CPUfriend.kext

    Last night I replaced the TSCAdjustReset.kext with the CpuTscSync.kext. The computer was awake this morning. No freeze though.

    Looks like Handoff is preventing the sleep.



      (8,89 kB, 113 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    So I guess the Idea is to reset RHUB found in the original SSDT

    And Insert a new device Device (XHUB) with select properties?

    Isn't it easier to modify the original SSDT and drop it during loading replacing with the modified?

    There is an example for creating an SSDT.



    X299 system don't like this patch. (npci=0x2000(3000)
    I remove this and patched my system with

    Probably not needed

    Rename _DSM to XDSM (NVDIMM). This might not be needed, but look here:


    Renaming all _DSM to XDSM insures no existing _DSM at the NVMe SSD path. The _DSM injection via SSDT_NVMe-Pcc.aml will not work if there is an existing _DSM at that path.

    Probably not needed.

    Rename HEC1 to IMEI (PAVP) and Rename IDER to MEID (PAVP) as per Apple's naming convention.

    HPET _CRS to XCRS Rename, RTC IRQ 8 Patch, TMR IRQ 0 Patch are generated by SSDTTime

    Fix RTC Range is from  khronokernel

    I have updated the config removing some renames in GitHub.

    Unfortunately I got the freeze again after a few hours of inactivity with the current setup. What gives?

    Thank you very much kaneske for the advise. I have changed the suggested settings and will monitor the performance.

    Quite much renames in ACPI Section, do you really need them?

    Are you talking about these?

    What is wrong with them?

    In Monterey or Ventura during sleep (or at least black screen before sleep) I get this random freeze and the computer does not respond neither to the wake request, nor to the power reset button, so I have to force Power OFF button for shutdown. No errors are indicated and no panics are recorded. It does not happen in Windows so it is definitely MacOS specific.I have not had the freeze in Big Sur, though I have noticed random reboots (no apparent reason). Anyone has a hint on what to chase here? My OC settings and Bios settings are in my signature link for the x299.