Beiträge von hyux1

    1. It is NOT your source code.
    2. Each file contains a copyright notice that clearly states „all rights reserved“.
    3. You most likely don‘t have written confirmation of all authors involved in creating the code to republish the code under a GPL.
    4. You can‘t argue the code has fallen under open source because of that.
    5. Still, you attached the GPL info to your repo, misleading others, violating the TOS of GitHub and violating the rights of the original author(s).
    6. Moreover, you haven‘t even modified/forked the original code in any meaningful way, so you have no ownership at all over the code base.

    How do you come to the conclusion that I have nothing to do with it and it's not my code? Besides, who cares? Is it your problem?

    griven administrator of the forum said that this is fine.

    du redest viel wenn der Tag lang ist. Was hat das damit zu tun, hier Fragen zu stellen die nur Du selbst beantworten kannst. Willst die hier die User aufs Glatteis führen?


    Edit: Damit will ich meinen Beitrag hier abschließen.

    The license itself is called the Creative Common License.


    • LICENSE.txt

      (20,81 kB, 13 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Mir ist nicht bekannt, dass Quellcode für Software ohne jegliche Lizenzinformationen verbreitet wird, gleich welcher Art die Lizenz ist. Die Information zur CCPL Lizenz - die ich zitierte - fand ich bei einem Ozmosis-Projekt auf Github. Warum meinst Du dass ich diese falsch wiedergeben hätte? Nur weil ein anderer User auf eine andere Lizenz verlinkt hatte?

    Egal, die Lizenz deiner Software müsstest Du kennen und ich stelle Dir die Frage, weshalb Du dann hier noch Fragen zur Veröffentlichung stelltest?

    Wenn der von Dir kompilierte ursprüngliche Quellcode keine solche Informationen enthält und Du ahnungslos bist wer der Inhaber des Urheberrechts ist, dann sollte Du diesen hier wohl besser nicht feilbieten.

    Github wäre gut. Da bekommst Du sicherlich die ersehnte Aufmerksamkeit. Die CCPL Lizenz die ich zitierte fand ich bei einem Ozmosis-Projekt auf Github.

    I was not familiar with the abbreviation CCPL until now. It is CC or CCL. The license in the source code is literally the same as the one in the Github project "OzmosisBIOS" by "tuxuser". I asked for reasons against it here, it has nothing directly to do with the license.

    Even if it were, I haven't published any code yet and thus haven't done anything illegal. I just compiled new versions and uploaded them. I'm just asking if anyone wants to work on the code. Besides, you say it's a crime in Germany. For me, that would not be relevant. I could also upload the code to Github, then it wouldn't be a problem for the forum either.

    Thank you for contributing, unlike others.

    Ja, das dachte ich mir, ziemlich große Klappe aber wenn du die Lizenz nicht einmal hast, was willst du mit dem Quellcode? Jetzt wissen wir wer hier der Troll ist.

    So you really think that the code can't be used without a license? Who is the one without a clue here? First name a false abbreviation, and then be cheeky, old man? You're a troll, as well as Moorviper.

    I don't have to recreate Ozmosis, I have the source code of Ozmosis. This would only have to be extended by parts of OpenCore to make it work. This was also done at Clover.

    Du kennst die CCPL? Dann beachte diese.

    I don't understand what you mean.

    What's your problem? If you don't want to contribute anything (or can't, as it probably is in your case) you should hold back! You're just trolling here, so shut up.

    You've already shouted loudly enough that you have the source code. Cool, do something with it. But with your behavior and talk about competition you're making a fool of yourself

    It's the truth. Do you really think mhaeuser will support OpenCore's competition?

    then you just have to find a way to involve them in your project

    here it seems to me that you are not succeeding.

    Reading doesn't bother me that much though :)

    Yes, I try.

    OT: do not feed the Troll

    he will not give up

    If you don't want to (or rather can't) contribute anything meaningful, then hold back!

    One of the very few people who could help made it clear that he is not willing because of the structural limitations of the product itself

    why insist on it?

    cui prodest?

    mhaeuser? He probably won't want to compete with his OpenCore, so it's understandable that he doesn't want to help. But there are also other developers.

    As mentioned earlier, I'm not such a good developer. I would have to understand the OpenCore code completely in order to be able to integrate the corresponding part. Besides, it's quite a lot of work for you alone, I need support.

    Think you're funny?

    Or do you think that no one is interested in Ozmosis?

    Like Bob-Schmu: He thinks the answer in the insanelymac thread is negative to the project, after my answer to it he probably has no more arguments.