Beiträge von Full-R

    Add small memo how to run server mode more better ...

    Silently works without Intel solutions on a Penryn Core 2 Duo arch like a Hasswell to make compiling process slower and more carefully.

    1. sudo nvram boot-args="MountEFI=0x1 kextlog=0xffa debug=0x0 dtrace_dof_mode=0x0 trace=0x0 io=0x0 lcks=0x1 platform=ACPI acpi=strict arch=x86_64 rootless=0x1 wpkernel=0x1 srv=0x1 serverperfmode=0x1 idlehalt=0x1 slide=0x1 dart=0x1 keepsyms=0x1 kext-dev-mode=0x1 amfi_allow_any_signature=0x1 darkwake=10 -force64 -no_shared_cr3 -zc -no-zp -no_compat_check -rwroot_hack -xcpm"

    From the scratch is to simple to say.

    Loose all data and memory and return some experience from 2010 to 2024.

    Thanks, community. I found all I loose there and recover it.

    Simply run fix.command.


    From the scratch and nuclear hell-graveyard to EVO for the life.


    Think about create when possible new interface for filtering packets, kernel settings UI\UX and HackServeX configure interface because I need to run my projects cleanly.


    With very difficulty I found MacBook Air 2010 early and that's helps to recover all I'm loose. Not be a worry: after that I'm have to port it to ARM to EVO hardware in server meaning(something like a MacOS installer with applications and futures like a Windows PE recovery software).


    Prev. "party" frag. there:

    ASUS k541u 10.12.6 DSDT
