
Suchergebnisse 1-2 von insgesamt 2.

  • Hallo und !Welche OSX Version willst du denn installieren? (Dann sollte der Thread evtl. in dieses Subforum verschoben werden)
  • I moved your thread to "Yosemite Installs" because it should be be a issue with Yosemite's security system.Go to Terminal (use Finder to navigate / it's part of the system utilities) and type the following line (and confirm with ENTER):(Quelltext, 1 Zeile) You will be asked for your password, while typing it there is no feedback like stars. Just confirm with ENTER.Now you should be able to install (and use) kexts for your sound card and LAN card.****Ich habe deinen Thread in den Bereich Yosemite…