Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.
Ok, I have updated my hardware details in my profile, if my bootloader is osmosis, should I insert the kexts like "USBInjectAll.kext" and "FakeSMC"? How do i modify this config.plist? Whether it is in OzmosisDefaults.plist?My English is not very well, many words I need to check the dictionary or use translation tools, if I do not understand what your mean, please do not mind. Thank you.
Ok, I will do that like you say. I don't have the latest version of AppleALC and Shiki. Could you give me an archive ?I have a problem along time, My Graphics is Nvidia gtx 770, If my system sleep or my monitor sleep, after wake up my Graphics can't auto frequency, it's the fullest frequency work. I don't know how to fix it.