
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • Well if using a GT640 you might need to enable NVIDIAInjection as well. Since it causes a lot of trouble with newer NVIDIA Cards (Maxwell and above) it´s deactivated by default in our Sierra Ready OZ flavored Roms. To enable it just install OS-X by using the IGPU and once installed type fire up Terminal and type(Quelltext, 1 Zeile) or if available in your rom boot into build in EFI Shell and type(Quelltext, 1 Zeile) which will do the same but without the need to install OS-X first.
  • Well kind of strange since it points to some issues with the KextInjection/KernelCache...You say it´s a vanilla Installer how did you create it was it made with the CreateInstallMedia command or did you use any third party tools to create your USB Installer?
  • Okay do you use any kind of custom defaults.plist and if so what does it look like?
  • Sometimes it´s kind of wired to understand which files OZ uses and which not...Normally it should use the files placed on the EFI Partition of the first drive (first SATA Port) but it seems like it not always behaves that way. I have three internal drives which all have an EFI partition and the OZ files are present on all of them. Sometimes it seems to be absolutely random which files OZ grabs also the drive order randomly changes from boot to boot. In 95 percent of all boots my primary drive (f…