
Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 20.

  • Hello veranyon and welcome to the forum! You can definitely do all this with Ozmosis. You don't need to switch to Clover but you can if you want to.First of all it would be important to know which hardware you are using. So could you please write your hardware into your profile? (Top right: Name-->Edit Profile)
  • Are you visiting this page using a translator or something?Well, first of all your hardware is very different from the one hackintosher com uses. We have this guide regarding Quicksync, connectorless IDs and FinalCut: Quicksync, Virtual-Screen Abstürze und iGPU+ded. GPU mit GrafikbeschleunigungThe question is: What exactly is your problem and what are you trying to fix?
  • Alright, we should be able to fix that... Is your iGPU activated? Normally FCPX shouldn't crash with only R9 280x activated...
  • Your monitors are connected to your GPU, right?Is there a crash report when FCPX freezes? Which Ozm BIOS are you using and which Kexts?(Quelltext, 1 Zeile)
  • Dies FCPX crash or does your whole Hackintosher crash?What is lundman, checkpoint and aladdin in your Kexts?
  • That's honestly not the kind of behaviour I was expecting from your Hardware... Does FCPX crash on 10.12 when you do specific things like rendering? Or does it crash randomly at some point in time? Have you checked your hardware temps and did you run a memory check once?The VirtualScreen Issue with FCPX is present since OS X 10.12 and FCPX 10.3. You shouldn't be effected by it using FCPX 10.2. Is that so?
  • Is your R9 280x fully recognized by MacOS? Which SystemDefinition are you using?Are you using a fully patched DSDT?I'd suggest: Activate Inject Intel in your config.plist and enter the ig-platform-id 0x01620007. Then reboot and activate your iGPU in BIOS but keep the PEG as primary and connect all Monitors to your AMD. Then try to start OS X.
  • Oh I messed up Are you using a defaults.plist? We need to put these values into your defaults.
  • I know, so forget about config.plist, I'm asking about your Ozmosis defaults.plist, that should be in your EFI Partition in EFI/Oz.
  • You will need either a custom DSDT where we can inject an ig-platform-id or a defaults.plist. I'd recommend generating a defaults.plist anyway but we only have german guides about that... https://www.hackintosh-forum.d…efaults-plist-und-SMBios/
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Are you using Shiki at the moment? Please send me a picture from the System Report --> Graphics.
  • ozmosis und shiki

    An there's nothing about the HD 4000 in the SystemReport?Are you using this VDADecoderChecker?You can also try using 0x01620006.Also you can try using shiki with the bootarg: shikigva=60
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Is it a sapphire card?Waiting for your test results...
  • ozmosis und shiki

    This looks fine to me, VDADecoderchecker reports Decoding as working.Please download MacX VideoConverter and click on the little info button next to the Intel Encoder and report if Encoding is reported as supported.
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Please add two more Renames to your ACPI config.plist section and report again with the output of MacX:Comment: change HECI to IMEIFind: 48454349 Replace: 494D4549Comment: change MEI to IMEIFind: 4D45495F Replace: 494D4549
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Which Version of VDADecoderCheck are you using?I think you are using a custom DSDT. Please attach it.
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Please use the Version of VDADecoderChecker that I linked above and tell me if decoding works.Also, attach an IOReg Dump as zip.
  • ozmosis und shiki

    (Zitat von veranyon)Did you do a fresh install? Do you still have FCPX issues?I'm kinda confused right now because this doesn't really behave normally. Do you know he Shiki Wiki? Have you tried the suggestions?
  • ozmosis und shiki

    (Zitat von veranyon)iMac 13,2 is using a Nvidia GPU so maybe you could try to use a SMBios that is using an iGPU and an AMD GPU. Don't know whether that could help, though.(Zitat von veranyon)Regarding a lot of things, they do but increasingly there are workarounds as the community gets bigger and better. But I am not aware of any workarounds regarding your specific issue and unfortunately I don't have the time to do more research...(Zitat von veranyon)It is possible to use FCPX 10.4 without an …
  • ozmosis und shiki

    Wow, that is awesome!I wasn't expecting 12 to work...From the changelog:"Added temporary process whitelist for 10.13 SKL/KBL & NVIDIA (shikigva=12)"So I don't really get why 12 should help at the first glance...Anyway, thank you for reporting, I'm gonna remember that this may be a good fix for Capri + AMD