
Suchergebnisse 1-10 von insgesamt 10.

  • you have to set your bios settings. try this
  • Okay if you need help let me know
  •…uImf-JM8QuIT68xEX5fhPqRAfcheck to see if this folder matches yours…AVSw469BOaIuUULpUo-Gmmvfyhere are the kext i useim thinking you might have to reinstallyour doing it on ssd?
  • Maybe my msi motherboard is picky with m.2 drives do you have apfs file?
  • if it fails try installing on a regular hard drivei had an intel m.2 and was having issues on my msi mobo
  • this is if you boot with cloverboot with inject EDID And inject nvidia webdrivers then boot and install web drivers.just tested this method and it working just boot again with inject EDID And inject nvidia webdriversonce you install web driver if you need display audio here are some kext they go in library and extensions then use kext utilityif you dont need displayport audio remove applALChere is my drivers64UEFI folder i useVooddoohda will give you hdmi audiogood luck
  • Bricked? Boot in verbose Mose to see what error you get , you weren’t able to install web drivers? That was the first step
  • ill try my best to help you but can you think of anything that lead to that problem?also have you updated to the latest bios?the 64 folder is the one i use and currently worknig for me, i didnt have to mess with my graphic settings in biosalso i had a m.2 that was giving me problems. if you can boot with usb installer and install it might be your m.2.i was able to install in intel m.2 then after a few boots i would get error. i install in regualr hard drive so far its good.check your bios settin…
  • are you installing mac os or installing web drivers ??my method didnt work for you ?? have you updated to the latest clover? so what's the version of mac os you using? did you try a different hard driveyou might want to try smbios 14.2 as well. in the lastest version of mac osi have msi z270 boardi7 7700k gtx 1080tisimilar specsi attached my kext i use for clover and drivers64UEFIthese are my bios settingsso enable xhci usb handoff
  • Okay good to hear