
Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • (Zitat von HackiForTheMusic)Can you describe the problem in english? I am the developer of tinu so i am the guy to ask for help in case of problems with it.EDIT: take also a look at the help menu in the menu bar of the app
  • (Zitat von HackiForTheMusic)This is strange, maybe your machine has some particular disk drives configuration that i didn't thought when designing tinu, that should be investigated further (so send me a copy of tinu's log if you manage to recreate the issue, please) for the apfs, the format process works slightly differently than the other file systems so that seems to help in this particular case, but i have to investigate the precise cause of the issueFor drives already in GUID TINU itself doe…
  • I need to do more tests with unformatted usb drives then, but the next version will bring improovements to the table for this kind of issues