Suchergebnisse 1-8 von insgesamt 8.
Hallo Allerseits!Erstmal möchte ich ein grosses danke schön an alle für den MacMini8,1 config mit funktionierender HDMI Leider mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut wie mein English, ich hoffe das es kein problem wird wenn ich in English fortsetze...I've used before I found your work another clover config with iMac14,2 smbios with you can boot Mojave with dual displays connected at boot time to HDMI and MiniDP, you dont need to plug in the hdmi cable after boot to for a working dual display. The origina…
Hallo Allerseits!Vielen dank für die schnelle Antwort und hilfe unt entschuldigung wegen mein langsamer Antwort.So here are some results ... Firstly but not last, the most interesting part is, that your config.plist which you state doesnt work with dual screen connected at boot works, im also surprised.. but it works only with the following method with your macmini plist:- In case the machine boots with dual black screen then power off the mini pc. After this you boot with single display (in my …
I think it depends on the adapter and your luck which adapter you have on the other forum there was a guy who tried to use an original apple adapter which certanly worked flawlessly with his mbp, but ge got black screen with the vorke v8. He bought another one (didnt mention the brand and model). The Type-C connector is the same on this mini pc. I have two type-c hubs.This one works under osx and windows and linux:Nica 4 port usb hubThis one is total dead, not working at all, however works flawl…
(Zitat von CMMChris)Sorry for the late reply.. No, for me sleep is not working at all. If i try to activate sleep my machine restarts. Happened the same to all of my hackintoshes in the past regardless it had ME or the ME was hidden just like in this mini pc, so I only use Lock Screen when I leave the computer and I completly disabled sleep and hibernation. Other than sleep the machine is rock stable...
I did verify it with terminal commands... sudo nvram StormTestVar=MyTest then reboot. After bootup StormTestVar remains in the nvram so it seems it is working, also iMessage works,and I dont have EmuVariableUefi installed. Here are my pm settings pmset -g (womp is enabled because i had strange ethernet dropouts in the past few weeks... trying to narrow down the cause...):Currently in use:standby 1Sleep On Power Button 1womp 1autorestart 0hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimageproximitywake 1powernap 0g…
Just did what you suggested. Machine goes into sleep, monitor turns of, the power led on the minipc switches to red/blue for 1 time, then screen comes on with login window immediately. Pmset states sleep was prevented by UserEventAgent, backupd, powerd... I have Time Machine enabled, will try again with TM disabled.Currently in use:standby 1Sleep On Power Button 1womp 1autorestart 0hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimageproximitywake 1powernap 0gpuswitch 2networkoversleep 0disksleep 0standbydelayhigh 8…
Managed getting sleep to work. Problem was the Wifi/BT card (Dell DW1820), swapped it to BCM94360CS2.After wake VDADecoderChecker, VLC, Videoproc dont work, after launching the app you only get a forever spinning beachball. Chrome, Youtube videos, sound, network, bt... are working after wake. Thank you so much for your help and cooperation.