Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.
MackoAs you might have recognized, there is still an issue with your build.Since we don't really know if you have any more additional kexts in your system, supporting your install might won't work.In that case I have an complete EFI-folder for you to test.Make sure you rename your current EFI-folder to EFI-old, before your copy the contents of attached ZIP-file onto your EFI partition.
That depends if you have an PS2 Mouse attached... that is something we also don't know...If that's the case, use the VoodooPS2Controller.kext from your old EFI-folder and put it in the folder /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other, where you will find all the other necessary kexts.Be aware:I also switched your SMBIOS from an old iMac14,2, which is not a good choice with your hardware, to an iMac17,1.You should check all the Apple services and try to login to them.