
Suchergebnisse 1-15 von insgesamt 15.

  • (Zitat von bvuiorgtfdsjnbs)check in your Bios if you have Resize bar option enabled or disabledAlso you should not use this kext in your rig I thinkAppleMCEReporterDisabler.kextI will put also VirtualSMC in your config list in second placeLast config has also minor problems due latest Opencore 077 used (not so much important to solve them
  • bvuiorgtfdsjnbs if you like try this config with EFI posted before from other user
  • change only the config.plistI have sorted there right orderyou do not have to rename kexttake all EFI posted by other user and download again my config.plist
  • bvuiorgtfdsjnbs sorry...use this complete EFIyou have to learn how to modify a config.plist with a plist editorTry this EFi based on OSX-Einsteiger oneIf you have the same hang on PCI begin try to change your USB booting pc portadded:if you have a late than 2020 B450 bios , you should try also to disable SetVirtualMap Booter/quirk
  • (Zitat von bvuiorgtfdsjnbs)different version could have the need to adapt config.plistUsually devs show how to in Doc/differences.pdf
  • you should have to use EFI posted aboveI have taken one posted previously and I have changed a few things in config.plist (kext order, a quirk)Do not mix with your in OPYou have a 6c +6t CPU and previously you have had wrong patches for itUser helped you to have a proper EFI calibrated for your system
  • (Zitat von bvuiorgtfdsjnbs)in your config you have a Kernel/patch sectionlatest two could be useful for you (enable /disabled one of it)Usually Algren ones is a bit secure and a bit lower in performanceShaneee one has for some audio problems but a bit more in GPU Performance)You have to try one at time and see
  • this in Kernel/patch sectionit seems you use the more conservative you should not have that problemtry to disable it and enable Shanee
  • tab enabled Yes or Nonow it is enabled patch 14If in this condition you have purple video try to disabled it and enable patch 15
  • Hoewer try to use this config posted above:https://www.hackintosh-forum.d…/189186-config-plist-zip/and cross finger
  • 1) can't say, it is not good but it is only solution to try2)3) this is not good4)5) you can try to disable it but also there you could have other problems without it with your GPUusually purple screen is a fix pat problem..but if you have tried both..I have no more ideassorry
  • (Zitat von OSX-Einsteiger)if it is not broken it is perfectly compatible with Big Sur and also other OSX system
  • may I ask if are you using last Motherboard Bios version?and if so try to disable SetVirtualMap quirk as I said in a previous messagewe can also try to change your SMbios in config.plist, but it is a weird problem if you did all advised here
  • bvuiorgtfdsjnbsif you are using EFI posted you here by me , then it is ready also for Monterey 12.xUnsure only about your ethernet (I do not know if that kext works well also in Monterey =
  • (Zitat von bvuiorgtfdsjnbs)about discord is a well know problemyou can tag tomnic79 which has found a different way to solve this problemIt is a way similar @adobe way (it is a similar problem AMD user have with some apps)take look here:link to macos86 (discord thread)