
Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • (Zitat von Melzbert)If you are using EFI posted in OP it is wrong if you have a 3700xYou are using Kernel patches (First three in list) for a 12 cores cpu (12c+12t) you can verify a value of 0C inside them (08 it is fine for a 8 +8 cores/threads)Also Kext declaration has a wrong orderIf you like to try, backup yours and try this:EFI.zipIf it hangs post debug.log file and where your system Hangsthank youDebug Log is a txt file you can find inside your booting EFI partition
  • Hecatomb in my EFI is set and also correct CPU cores are there..but maybe it is my English.... But my German is also Worst
  • Bios is not Zen relatedMotherboard relatedUsually Zen 2 could work for all OSX you would like to install till OSX VenturaWorst case that could happen it is you have to install an old bios for your Motherboard if you have problem with MSI board (usually x570 board)