Suchergebnisse 1-12 von insgesamt 12.
(Zitat von BUSTER)(Zitat von BUSTER)EFI posted here is wrong if your CPU is the one I can see in CPUZ screenshotyou have a 4 cores cpu (patches I see are set for a 8 cores cpualso you should try to check well all the patches you are using for kernel/patchesthey seems a bit more than the useful ones (and newer ones)EDIT:you have doubled all the patches in your configfirst 3 are for a 8 Cores CPU then you use also the ones good for a 4 cores CPU
(Zitat von BUSTER)not possible to use internal gpufor Nvidia is possible but many limitation to use it in High Sierra OS (or job to to do using OCLP)EDIT:Added a basic EFI to tryPost a photo or a video where system
BUSTER if you like, try the EFI posted a message above and see where it hangsinside new patches calibrated for your 4 core cpu and latest Opencore and minimal kexts in use
BUSTERtry this config before
If you are using an usb pen to boot, try to use another usb port of your motherboardIf same problem you have to try to map your usb port
BUSTERhighlighted in yellow could be a problemHighlighted in red is a problemfor yellow problem try to disconnect your ethernet cable and for red problem you must disable com port in your bios
You have resizebar set to 0 in latest EFIDebug said MAT=0with this same EFI use only the config attached hereDisable also your IGPU in your BIOS
Try /if you want to try these two config) only fìdifference is in SecureBootModelDuring installation steps do you have seen language selection step?Have you seen macOSInstaller icon on OpenCore bootmenu?
OSX-Einsteiger one of the configs posted above has SBM disabledThe other has defaultI would try both of them
BUSTERwhy this boot arg?nvda_drv_vrl=1have you installed Nvidia Web Driver with OCLP app?
BUSTERReviewing the config you're using reappeared the resizebar option set to 0you should leave it at -1You don't have in the bios that option I guessPutting parameters for Nvidia, in my experience is not usefulYou have not yet installed the operating system and therefore the Nvidia driverthe system will start, when it starts , it will start in VESA modelThe error message it gave you after choosing the language, does not depend on errors due to MMIO or Nvidia or even slidesMore likely a corrup…
(Zitat von OSX-Einsteiger)old and based from user EFI take a look hereCPU AMD A10 5800k | MB Asrock FM2A88X Extreme4+ | GPU AMD Radeon HD 7660D oder NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 Ti