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I never tried it myself but some others got way higher scores than me (x3 times more)I'm also on 13.3 and VDADecoder is not working as wellI've tried to spoof the card before but i always fail I'm not sure why, the device-id seems to never change, and location paths on Windows report 2 ACPI paths, i only took the first one as _SB_PCI0_GPP8, and it shorter than usual or is this normal?i tested multiples booting the efi from the USB and didn't work, (didn't want to risk your working kext on my dis…
I just fixed it :D, I had two unnamed bridges in my path, it wasn't showing on Windows but from IORegestryExpolorer I could see its full path:IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCIO@0/AppleACPIPCI/GPP8@3,1/1OPP/pci-bridge@0/1OPP/pci-bridge@0/IOPP/GFX0@0from this, I was able to edit the SSDT to match the path (credit to @etorix)Also: I made a new geek bench test on the GPU with the spoofing and I got the exact same result as your KEXT, both were very low on OpenCL…
EDIT:Based on your suggestion, I recreated a new USBX SSDT using SSDTIME and it managed to remove the USBX paths from Windows, but the OpenCL scores are still the sameEDIT2:I managed to fix the issue by enabling Shaneee's patch in (Kernel/patches): new scores match the specs: