
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • There is no sane way to update Oz for recent macOS versions. The current ways with the external kernel support already is batshit crazy. Also, no, Oz is not easier than OC. It might appear to be easier on the platforms it supported well, while on some others it will simply not work at all. All auto-detect configuration done by Oz - and still done by Clover - are heuristics that work ok most of the time but every now and then fail phenomenally.Why don’t you spend your time making OC easier to use…
  • I get burnout just from reading this conversation. It is beyond me how “directly at the BIOS level” is cited as an advantage over and over again when UX-wise there literally is no difference. OC actually supports hotkeys a lot better than Oz did. Firmware integration is not implemented because it is too broken on many machines, same for UEFI boot options. We literally put them in their own isolated space in NVRAM, so that the firmware cannot bug out on macOS’ unconventional formats. Even when Oz…
  • All this talk about competition… do I have the Ozmosis source code? Yes - as a matter of fact I do. I’m the one who implemented the sophisticated hotkey and bless support. I also improved things around AptioFix and added touch screen support. Various fixes here and there, too.You ignored all my points explaining why this design simply does not work and instead demand we update OC to be compatible with inherently broken methods - well, ok. Have fun spamming here with no impact.
  • (Zitat von hyux1)STLVNUB? There were previous issues with him threatening to leak the code and his access was revoked at some point. I’m not even sure you leaked the latest revision.As you are being an entitled little prick, let me clear things up. You are not involved, you do not have sufficient rights over the code (I never signed off for my code, and the actual developers unlike STLVNUB likely didn’t either), and this violates our copyrights. While there indeed were traces of an open-source l…