
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • Simple as that: Ozmosis is obsolete, Opencore is the way.In this forum/community there is no demand for ozmosis.
  • There is absolutly no demand for Ozmosis, 0,0% here in this community.Sorry, case closed.
  • Because as you can see, there is no demand. Or did I miss something?If it is such a big thing for you, feel free to give Ozmosis a second life.I am Kungfu-Marek and i want Schutzgeld from you, ansonsten Messä im Bauch, dat is ne angemessene Reaktion! (Joke aside)I am a Member since 2019, I think i have a good standing here in this community.What about you? Oh i See Member since June 2023...Sorry if I hurt you feelings, get over it.I am out here.Edit:Aha.
  • stuff imo