Suchergebnisse 1-19 von insgesamt 19.
I do not follow dortania guide for this (i use and like their product like OCLP but not their guide for AMD)Default patch used is algrey oneit is much slower than Shanees onei would suggest to try it and if you do not have additional problem i would use Shanee patchI would also check better Device properties and use it togheter whatevergreen kext (disable NootRX kext)you have to use ioregistry explore app and search for GFx0, you will find your path and you have to change in my SSDT here
mmmh it is the one i use i cant say if it needs some permissionhowever i see you are using Algrey fix pat patchto improve performance in OpenCL/GL you can disable it and use the Shanees onefor now if you cant do good resuòt with DP or with SSDT you can try also with NootRX kext and see the differencesin Opencl your system should have a result greater than 100000 as you see in my picture abovei have tried to modify your config.plistuse also the kext attached (backup yours first)in this config i u…
(Zitat von DevFelixJava) the only problem could be your <GPU acpi addressothers parameters are the same for all people who use to spoof their GPUEDITi see you have acceleration using NootRX kext but only low performancetry to recreate that condition and only to disable to that config algrey fix pat and enable Shaneee fix patyou would see a great improvment in performance
i did what i am saying from my initial post here disabled a patch used the other I woluld like to say you should understand why ACPI method does not workif you can send an IOREG log without using NootRX (i know no acceleration there)i see some bridges i do not underst (i am not an ACPI expert so it is my fault)
SchmockLord your XTXH has a device id not supported by osx AMD gpu driverSo you have to spoof it to a supported one by this driver6950 xt is not supported in any osxSo we have to spoof to a supported device id from a supported 6900 xt (different but similar to a 6950 xt)Luckily it worksI can use also NootRX but i prefer to spoof and use whatevergreen kext DevFelixJava user has a pci acpi path in his ioreg i cant understand for my limited acpi knoledge and also his pciroot address seems doesnt w…