mein MacPro 3.1 läuft sehr gut bis auf eine Kleinigkeit.
Handoff geht nicht, Airdrop geht.
Fehler für mich die Mac-Board-ID.
--- Initiating system compatiblity check ---
--- Hardware/OS checks ---
Verifying Continuity status... OK. OS X reports Continuity as active
Verifying Mac model reference... OK. Known compatible Mac Model detected: MacPro3,1
Verifying Mac board-id... OK. Short board id detected: Mac-Fxxxxxx8
Verifying OS X version... Warning: This version of Mac OS X (10.11.4) is Experimental! Only partially tested on El Capitan
Verifying Wi-Fi hardware... OK. A Broadcom AirPort card is active, and is using the Continuity compatible Brcm4360 kext
Verifying AWDL status... OK. An AWDL interface is up, Wi-Fi is ready for Continuity
Verifying Bluetooth hardware... OK. The internal Bluetooth card is active
Verifying Bluetooth version... OK. Bluetooth 4.0 detected
Verifying Bluetooth features... OK. Bluetooth features are Continuity compliant
Verifying Bluetooth firmware... OK. Bluetooth firmware version: v118 c9123
Verifying Login Item... OK. Login item for Auto Continuity Check is not set.
--- Modifications check ---
Verifying OS kext protection... OK. Kext developer mode is not active. This tool can fix this.
Verifying SIP... Ok. System Integrity Protection is already disabled
Verifying ContinuitySupport... Print: Entry, ":Mac-Fxxxxxx8:ContinuitySupport", Does Not Exist
NOT OK. Unknown state. Your Mac might not be compatible.
Verifying kexts readability... OK. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth kexts were found and could be read
Verifying Wi-Fi whitelist status... OK. The whitelist is correctly patched with your board-id
Verifying BT4 dongles compatibility... OK. Compatibility with BT4 USB dongles is not enabled, this tool can fix this if a dongle is plugged in
Verifying old Wi-Fi kext presence... OK. Legacy Wi-Fi driver Brcm4331 was already removed
Verifying legacy Wi-Fi card patch... OK. The patch is already done. Old Broadcom Wi-Fi cards may work.
--- Modifications check ---
Die xxxxxx sind von mir gesetzt worden.
Laut Systembericht:
Bluetooth Low Energy wird unterstützt: Ja
Handoff wird unterstützt: Ja
Instant Hotspot unterstützt: Ja
AirDrop: Supported
Also die Voraussetzungen sind gegeben.
Laut Google sollte MacPro 3.1 nicht das Problem sein, würde aber auch eine andere Systemdefinition nehmen wenn nötig.
Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich Handoff zum laufen bringe?